newbie in mac


hi all masters here,

in windows environment, ppl may use VC++ / VB in visual studio for development. what mac developers usually and preferably use then? i mean both the languages and IDE tools.

i'm just mess up with the terms:

coca / carbon / objective-C / Xcode and many ............
I come from a Unix background and have been using macs for slightly over a year. I prefer coding in C++ using the free Qt framework (NOT QuickTime!!), and Java. I stay away from Objective-C mainly because I want my code to be portable and Objective-C and Cocoa aren't as portable as I would like.

For my development tools, I use JEdit & Makefiles for my C++ coding, Netbeans for my Java coding. I stay clear of XCode because it doesn't seem intuitive to me and I'm not that keen on Objective-C. Other language support in XCode is pretty bad.
scng said:
hi all masters here,

in windows environment, ppl may use VC++ / VB in visual studio for development. what mac developers usually and preferably use then? i mean both the languages and IDE tools.

i'm just mess up with the terms:

coca / carbon / objective-C / Xcode and many ............

Cocoa is a framework, a collection of APIs that will allow you to create programs that are native to OS X only. They will not work on previous Mac OS. Carbon is also a framework that was created to bridge the old code from pre OS X days to work under the new environment with as few changes as possible as well as new to create new software that works in both.
As for which language, many will argue to stick with pure C/C++, but Objective-C is no different, it works just the same with a few enhancements to make working with objects a lot easier. If you want to make the most of Cocoa, Objective-C is the way to go. Java is also used, but I'm not really a fan of Java. Either way, learning one is like learning 99% of the other, with the exception of how you handle objects and memory management.
XCode is just the IDE for your projects, which will allow you to work in any of the above languages.