Newbie Question About IPhoto


Hello all,

I am fairly new to the world of Mac's (5 days now) and I have been running into some trouble viewing my old .jpegs that I have stored onto a CD during my PC days. I was able to copy all of the folders onto my HD but I am unable to view them in IPhoto I just get a gey box with an exclamtion point in the middle. If anyone has seen this before I would be very greatful in knowing how to fix the problem. Thanks!
Does it make any difference if you rename the files .jpg?

Can you view the images successfully in either Safari or Preview?
I would try clicking on one of the pic files to highlight it...then Command(apple)+I which opens the Info window...then in the Open With option select iPhoto(if iPhoto is not in the list, select Other and migrate to the iPhoto App. and okay it). If you want iPhoto to open all your jpg's, also click the Change All button.

Then when you double click(right click) a pic file it will be imported into the iPhoto library...the original pic file will stay as is.

Hope this helps,
Yes I can see all the files in Preview. Is there a best practice as to importing a large number of files to be read in IPhoto? Like I said all of these .jpegs were on a CD didvided into 25 or so subfolders then copied to my Mac HD. I can't seem to figure out how to load them all simultaneously either.
Ok. I am now home and tried to I did what CE originally said to open all jpegs with IPhoto. I changed everything the way he said and that was easy enough to do but, when I go to open the photo by double clicking it, IPhoto opens and says that the file is unreadable. Any reasoning for this. The only photos I can get into IPhoto are the ones I loaded directly off my camera and even those I can only see the preview when I go to open them to I get the grey screen with the exclamation point. Please HELP ME!!!!! Gracias.
Another suggestion then...You say you can open the photo files with the photos in Preview and in the Menu Bar/File click on 'Save as' and select 'jpeg'. iPhoto should then be able to import the photos. You may have to open and save each pic which could be tedious, but I'm not savy enough to know an easier way.
