Congratulations! You are now a Java programmer. Put that on your resume.
Have you got the developer tools CD from Apple? Get your hands on an up-to-date copy and have a look through the java examples. Java is actually really good for certain types of game-programming. It's simple object-oriented format means it works well where a game is made up of many different objects that behave in certain ways, such as tanks and soldiers in a strategy game, or people and monsters in an RPG.
I pointed out BlueJ to you as it is an excellent "test-bench" for learning Java because you can get around all the command-line stuff. That is, you can create a JAVA file, which defines an object, and compile it by point-and-click into a CLASS file.
Then, you can create INSTANCES of the object on an "object-bench" by right-clicking and selecting "new". These will each appear as little blocks on the bench area, and you can call their routines directly and examine how they react and what is going on inside the code.
Apple has a really good example program on their developer tools CD (I think its called BlastApp) that shows how a game might be made with Java. It goes something like:
- It defines an object called gamepiece.
- Good-guys and bad-guys are all an extension of game-piece.
- enemy base is an extension of bad-guys, but with the ability added to launch missiles (yet another object of type gamepiece)
- enemy tank is an extension of enemy base, but with routines added to allow it to move around.
... and so on. The idea is, you don't have to re-type code. If you want an enemy helicopter, you could just extend the enemy tank class but add a routine for making it move up and down. That way, once you've got something working you can build on it without having to re-invent the wheel.
I also recommend mucking around in RealBasic. I've not used it much, but you can make programs quickly and effectively and compile for Mac and Windows.
Anyhow, once you've found a language and an environment that suits your tastes, it'll be just a matter of patience to learn it. Keep experimenting and hunting around. Good luck!