nEWIBIE Mac Lady Needs Advice Please


Hi All , I am new to Apple Mac and have just purchased my Very first G4 I book and i think its brilliant..

I have a Few Questions if anyone can help me please :

1. I have accidently deleted my Settings Icon.. The icon that shows like a control panel.. for screen saver and stuff like that ..

2. When i open Safari or internet explorer its not full screen just sits half way along the screen... How can i make it full screen.. I have tried the little traffic light looking buttons on the bar but they only expand that little bit more.

Any one help please
Hello, welcome to and welcome to the Mac!

the icon you removed from the dock is just an icon, an alias, a shortcut. all of the icons in the dock are like this. you can add and remove any icon, except the finder and trashcan. don't be afraid to modify the dock to your liking, it's quite robust.

all the actual programs are placed in the applications folder on your harddisk (in the finder). in the applications folder, you will find the System Preferences, which is what you seem to be missing. Pick it up and drag it to the dock. see what happens! there are other ways to get to the system preferences though. click the apple menu, and it is in there. ctrl+click the desktop, and select "Change Desktop Background" - it'll take you to the wallpaper/screensaver panel in the System Preferences. you may find that you don't need it in the dock at all any more.

Safari, like all apple programs, and all programs that run in MacOS, does not ever go completly full-screen. this is part of macos, and always has been. the theory is, web pages are rarely big enough to fill your screen, so why fill your screen with the browser window?

it also allows you constant access to the desktop, for things like dragging+dropping images from the web to your desktop, for later. if you want to resize the window to fill the screen though, just drage the bottom right hand corner handle.

any other questions? i'd be happy to answer them :D
(I'm not using IE or Safari- I'm using Firefox, so apologies if this is not good info).

Go to "window", then "zoom". Job done.

Oh, and access to the desktop... well, I have my desktop on the left screen and the web browser on the right screen. It's OK for us people with dual screens :)
Thankyou Very much for your help.. Can i get firefox too... Where do i get it from..

Also i have looked in the applications folder and the icon is not there.. So im clicking on help and then typing in screen settings and it goes to the control panel .. I liek the ctl + click on desktop feature .. top man