News story - India outsourcing to the outragous extreme

WHAT THE F:eek:CK!!! Bush isn't content to suck away the rest of our dwindling funds, since he already took them for the war, so now he's campaigning in another country, whose citizens can't even vote for him, for funds to buy another election, with us being able to do nothing to stop him? This is total bullsh!t.
You'd think he'd at least consider hiring *Americans* to do make the phone calls.

Even in Bush's home state of Texas I think folks might be a little taken aback to hear someone with an Indian accent calling up and saying "Hello, I am calling to ask you to donate money to reelect president Bush..."
That's the way the world works. If it can be done cheaper elsewhere, chances are it will be. And India and China have massive amounts of cheap labor.
Like it or not, the US economy moves the world.
It helps having worked abroad to see the impact the US has. The world truly is inter-connected. And as far as Indian accents, or any, what's the difference between an Indian Indian making a solicitation and an Indian who hails from Fort Worth making same call?
I knew this dude a few years ago who was staunchly "pro-American". He even had some "Buy American" buttons that he proudly wore. That is, until it was pointed out to him just where the "Buy American" buttons were produced (Asia). :)
Well there's reality, and then there's politics. This is a brutally pragmatic, cost-saving tactic that corporations love and which makes great fiscal sense, but which, by rights, ought to be a political disaster.

This isn't a corporation we're talking about - it's an American Political Party. If there is ANY organization in the world which ought to utilize exclusively American laborers, it is our own political parties - and ESPECIALLY the GOP, and ESPECIALLY a President who grew up in the American south!


I can't even *imagine* a scenario that would make a more vivid example of Bush's love-them-corporations, to-heck-with-them-laborers mindset.
Too bad the Florida Supreme Court isn't in India. They could help him out again. :p

This really makes me :mad:.
Much ado about nothing. You don't think major political parties are above pork-barrel politics? You don't think they're above saving a few bucks? When it comes to green, there's little cultural bias in the world. Greed is one of the few things that can over come racial differences.
I'd be more upset that any party is out trolling for people's hard-earned money with the economy so lousy rather than who they use to make the calls and where they come from.
Think of it as financial aid. For every housewife and kid who's upset that they can't make a few extra bucks telemarketing, some families in India are able to eat and pay rent because they're making some phone calls.
If their motivation was helping Indian families (as opposed to keeping their money right in their own pockets where it belongs) they'd be paying them as much as they would an American firm. What do you suppose are the odds of that being the case?

I will agree with you on another point though: greed has no cultural bias, and clearly, the Bush administration has greed shooting out of each bodily orifice.

Let me be clear: This doesn't surprise me in the least. Bush's defining characteristics are his own sense of entitlement and his friendliness to corporations and rich executives, to the detriment of everyone else. Of course he sees nothing wrong with saving bucks, by hiring foreigners to get on the phone and persuade his own rich contributors to cough up more money! The more bloodless among them may even admire it!

My point is this: THIS IS POLITICS - and it's the most PR-crucial *part* of politics - reelection! When the parties start campaigning BY DEFINITION this is when they WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO LIKE THEM! Not the Indian people, not just the RICH American people (a teeny minority) but ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *HOW* they do it is *THE WHOLE FREAKIN POINT*.

And how they are doing it must be shouted from the rooftops, because it shows clearly that even when it is in Bush's own best interest to look out for working-class Americans, he JUST ISN'T CAPABLE OF IT.

I don't know where you live or what field you work in, but in the midwest, in the IT field, we hear every day about more and more IT jobs going to India.

So don't talk to me about poor Indians, or 'just business'. George W has it in for people like us.

I have one friend, a staunch Republican, who swore to change his ticket over this story.
I hope the Democrats air many commericals showing the firms involved over in India making the calls to Americans. When I think about it, what are they paying the Indians to do this telemarketing job? I mean, think of the cost of making several thousand, perhaps millions of international telephone calls from India to the USA, and it's still CHEAPER doing it THAT WAY. I still can't believe Bush got elected the way he did. And to make matters worse, he's doing the exact opposite his father did. His father did some nice things for the country and did NOT get re-elected. G Dubya is doing the opposite to get re-elected, in addition to jacking up the national debt to $500 billion or is it trillion now? The Democrats better offer up a strong candidate to compete against Bush or we'll be faced with another 4 years of tyranny.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
I still can't believe Bush got elected the way he did.

Let's not forget Bush was NOT elected. The supreme court just gave up on trying to get Florida's votes right. Don't ever refer to Bush as "elected." He doesn't deserve even that kind of respect.
I don't care what party it is these days, if anyone has any ambition to be president nowadays, I'd recommend barring them from any office, giving them a good wedgie and sending them to India (and not the beaches in the south part of the country) and make them do telemarketing calls.
The National Debt has been in the trillions for years. By now it's probably $5 trillion.

I can't believe how shortsighted Republicans are when working in a bad economy. Darrel Issa started this whole recall thing at the worst possible time, and Bush is trying to squeeze every penny at the expense of the average American Joe. Ugh, I hate today's politics.
Originally posted by adambyte
Let's not forget Bush was NOT elected. The supreme court just gave up on trying to get Florida's votes right. Don't ever refer to Bush as "elected." He doesn't deserve even that kind of respect.

It truly amazes me how people don't even know there own representatives, Federal & State. Let alone how there Mayor/county Exec is who sits on their respective city/county seat and determine your local taxes and street conditions (on the majority of side roads and everyday streets). Can you truly name at least 3 state or county people who represent you?