If their motivation was helping Indian families (as opposed to keeping their money right in their own pockets where it belongs) they'd be paying them as much as they would an American firm. What do you suppose are the odds of that being the case?
I will agree with you on another point though: greed has no cultural bias, and clearly, the Bush administration has greed shooting out of each bodily orifice.
Let me be clear: This doesn't surprise me in the least. Bush's defining characteristics are his own sense of entitlement and his friendliness to corporations and rich executives, to the detriment of everyone else. Of course he sees nothing wrong with saving bucks, by hiring foreigners to get on the phone and persuade his own rich contributors to cough up more money! The more bloodless among them may even admire it!
My point is this: THIS IS POLITICS - and it's the most PR-crucial *part* of politics - reelection! When the parties start campaigning BY DEFINITION this is when they WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO LIKE THEM! Not the Indian people, not just the RICH American people (a teeny minority) but ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *HOW* they do it is *THE WHOLE FREAKIN POINT*.
And how they are doing it must be shouted from the rooftops, because it shows clearly that even when it is in Bush's own best interest to look out for working-class Americans, he JUST ISN'T CAPABLE OF IT.
I don't know where you live or what field you work in, but in the midwest, in the IT field, we hear every day about more and more IT jobs going to India.
So don't talk to me about poor Indians, or 'just business'. George W has it in for people like us.
I have one friend, a staunch Republican, who swore to change his ticket over this story.