Newton advice


Angry Member
I'm trying to look into what I should be looking for in terms of used Newtons... what models, what accessories, etc.

Can any Newton vet's drop a beat?
if you are going to buy a newton, buy a newton 2100. They are slightly expensive, but they last a long time, and they are cool :D
I bought a 120 off of ebay ($50) but I was too demanding for it :p... It had OS 2.0 (the 2100 has OS 2.0). It was a great device but it was a little limiting. Its good for starters :)
I agree witn the Admiral;)... get a 2100 or at least a 2000. Check with Gem enterprises on EBay or their website. I bought a 2100 off of them in a "dutch auction" for about $100.00 and the quality of it is excellent for as old as it is. They have been very upfront about the quality of what they offer and are extremely helpful in the ordering process.
The Newton, while a very, very good machine for its time, has been slowly losing ground ever since it was discontinued. It's still a great machine, and it still has advantages over many competitors of _today_, but it's getting more and more of a drag to synchronize with either a Mac or a PC, as incompatibilities are growing. It's still very good at what it does, but newer needs can only be fulfilled with workarounds.

A Newton MessagePad 2100 (the only machine I'd still buy today) is a great PDA, even more so if you can find the right software for it.

But at the end of the day you might just be better off with a newer device from Sony or Palm.

For example, the Palm m515 is a very sleek little machine that has a great display which works well under all lighting conditions. So does the Sony NR-70 or the 615c/625c (depending on where you live, the devices are named differently at Sony).
The palm made devices STINK! They have bad substandard, underpowered hardware, with a stinkin' bad OS.

The NR70v is a GREAT device, however it runs on a the same old stinkin OS which is a remnant of the first PDA days :p
