NeXT Interface


Does anyone remember that hack that someone fount that would turn off Aqua and turn on the NeXT Step interface?

I really want to see if OS X is slow because of Aqua. Cause I have 3 macs and 2 PC's here at work. I just installed XP on the slower PC (833MHz P3, Rage 128, 256MB) and it seems to blaze the hell out of OS X interms of speed (i.e. window resizing, window calapsing. One of my G4's (D500, GForce 3, 512MB) has OS X 10.1 and it is just a slug when i have to use it after using one of the PC's. WTF is going on here.
I'd love to see the Next look too.

10.1 is slower then pc oses right now cus it's so young and still not entirely optimized and ready. give it 2 years and it'll be where it should. or give it till next summer or something.
Damn you guys ARE lemmings. I am an avid Mac user but i hate the waiting in os X. If PC's had the Color/Graphics technology of a mac I would be gone.

I am sick of this sit back and wait SH!T i want speed NOW!
Sometimes you can have stuff now.
I want the iPaq H3870 NOW but I will have to wait lol.
Just chill man, all good things take time to mature.
Sometimes I think Apple's as stupid as Microsoft. I mean, they remove the Next interface. Don't want people changing the GUI. At first they had like no options, fortunately they've started putting some of our favorite features back. Lets hope someday they decide to put Themes back. Then you'll have your NeXT UI. I'd give anything to be able to easily draw my own User Interface using all the really cool graphical features X has. I mean, think of what kind of awesome UI you could make using the scaling, rotation, transparent effects X can do. People'd go hog wild if Apple'd only give us the chance! It looks as if the ONLY way we're gonna even get Themes back is if we ALL tell Apple we want them. I've told them a couple times. (once after each release) and if everyone else wants it. We'll get it! Steve is just afraid that people will start cranking out crappy horrible looking UI's which will make his beautiful OS look like poopy. All the while M$ has a skinnable UI making us Mac users jealous that we don't have what we used to.

It's up to us. You want skins? TELL THEM! Say "I want X to be Skinnable!" Eventually they'll get the point.
Originally posted by quaiz
Damn you guys ARE lemmings. I am an avid Mac user but i hate the waiting in os X. If PC's had the Color/Graphics technology of a mac I would be gone.

I am sick of this sit back and wait SH!T i want speed NOW!

So go buy a dual processor 800 and shut up already. :p
or just shut up already... all this "i want speed" stuff is starting to annoy me.
no, i am not a lemming, dude.
look at my specs below, you'll see i do not own a toplevel mac, it's the smallest g4 available at the time, and hey, believe it or not, I HAVE SPEED. 10.1 is fast as anything. it's certainly as fast as 9.xx, if not faster ... and the main thing is: it's still fast when i've got piles of apps running, watching streaming quicktime, downloading stuff off the net, chatting in fire etc. etc. all at once... do that on windoze without crashing your whole system ... :)

seems to me all the speed whiners either haven't upped to 10.1 yet or you've got crap ram or you're doing something wrong or you're just plain insane. what do you do, resize a window and whip out your stopwatch? it's so fast i can't see how it could get any faster without the window resizing before i've even decided to resize it. what do you expect? telepathic control? now that would be way faster ... :)