neXt -- theme

Originally posted by Matrix Agent
Wow! That rocks.

Were you able to do anything with the dock?

Shute! I always forget the dock since i dont use it. I will though, thanks for the reminder.
SimpleX will also recieve a dock mod with its first update.
I was wondering what you did with the dock because in the other themes I have seen it has been a problem customizing the dock. Still, I would use that theme if i had to shun the dock. Great work!
i assume that is for metamorphX?

i wish that app was stable... my finder behaves badly when using it.

p.s. that looks nice. i used to use the OS9 NexT appearance theme full time for about 2 years. loved the darkness.
Its actually a .pkg installer like all OSX made installers are. No need to use buggy software switchers to apply the theme. All of my themes are accompanied by an Aqua restore whic hresets your GUI back to the original Aqua state if you chose to no longer use the theme.

Here is a more current status shot of the theme.
neXt <--
Looks real nice... Suggestion -

Are you going to make the scrollbars another color other than the grey that they currently are?

I think this would be a good theme for designers who are "blinded" by the white and blue of Aqua, and long for a more neutral grey to uninhibit their design works.
So does it work with both Carbon and Cocoa apps? Some of the earlier theme I tried were not that Cocoa friendly.

Looks great by the way!!
Cool and good work!

But you could do some more work on those slider bars, to ease their identification and contrast from the whole slider bar.

I was ging to release a preview to those who emailed me requesting one but it is near completion now so I will provide d/l info of the final version of 1.0 within a few days. Glad most everyone likes it. I am taking all your suggestions and applying them as needed.
I've been dying for a NeXT theme, been using it in OS9 for several years now. Can't wait to see it available (hint, hint). I prefer the second version, btw. The dark title bar, and as someone mentioned, a darker scroll bar (it is kinda hard to see at first glance). I also wonder what a progress bar looks like.

I will not use MMX, and prefer not using .pkg' there another way?
Until someone develops a utility with the integrity of Kaleidoscope the OSX installer method will be the best method available.
I've been using Iridium Quicksilver (since it came out), out of curiousity, besides Extras.rsrc, what else gets changed/replaced?

Let us know when it's available...(waiting not so patiently). :D
Themes I create replace the Extras.rsrc, Localized.rsrc, items from the loginwindow folder, Finder contents (icons are located here), HIToolbox.rsrc and systemstarter resources. A few other various files are altered with some themes I plan to create.

Believe me, although I am running the theme as I am creating it I too am eagerly awaiting its final version. It has me more excited than my SimpleX theme which was designed by me from scratch.
Originally posted by hazmat
Wow, very cool! Any chance of the dimple in the scroll bars, ala NeXT?

I wanted to soooo bad but there is no way to do it currently :( BUT!! I hope you will be sufficed knowing that the dimple is used as the growbox :) Clcik the link below to see it.

Growbox Dimple
Originally posted by hazmat
Wow, very cool! Any chance of the dimple in the scroll bars, ala NeXT?

I wanted to soooo bad but there is no way to do it currently :( BUT!! I hope you will be sufficed knowing that the dimple is used as the growbox :) Clcik the link below to see it.

Growbox Dimple