Originally posted by Yeeeeeeha
well, kick ass for me. 
Now if anyone could answer this. I have a harware firewall. It's a Linksys router. Not sure the model number. It this a piece of crap for letting this through or should I just double check my security settings?
There is only one way they got in....
when you went to some site which was infected...and there are still a few out there... the site automatically uploads the file to you.
So the first thing you should check ... is where were they...????
the nimda code(nimba is some elephant name) places a javascript on all pages of infected servers....
the javascript opens the download window at 6000X6000 on the users screen . however on the mac, I had gotten a few windows that were very small at the bottom of the screen.... if you also noticed that Internet exploder was crashing a bit this might have been one of the reasons.
anyway, the .eml files may just sit on your disk, but they were designed to run automatically on windows machines.
also, Exploder thoughtfully renames each and everyone so you keep getting them...
in cases where the file would ask to be downloaded, it would say:
Do you want to read the "README" file???
naturally, you might say yes...if the site is one which you want to get information from.
I saw the suckers coming into my log files back when it first appeared in Sept. one of the first sites on the list was a Children's center information site run by the Japanese government.
I sent them a Fax, and the site was gone the next day...
in short you security is alright...until some d00d ports the suckers to MacOSX by finding a security flaw.
At the moment, if you were "lucky" and running windows, you can get a free keystroke logger which also installs a backdoor so the hackers(or is it the FBI???) can grab your critical passwords, PGP keys and Creditcard numbers.
Happy computing...