no addressbook pictures in mail anymore


since I did a clean install of X.2.1 I don't see anymore the pictures of the addressbook in the corresponding emails in mail :-( It worked fine with X.1.5! I found at Apple that it might help to change the pictures filenames to email+.tiff (e.g. I found the pictures (personal libary/App.Support/AddressBook/Images/) but changing the filenames resulted in a disappearing of them even in the Addressbook. They didn't show up in Mail. Simply adding .tiff to the existing filenames -> no change + disappearing in Addressbook. Since the files have names like 28FD0D93-C405-11D6-9565-00039314C45A I am not sure that this is the right way in Jaguar. Does anyone has an idea what went wrong and how I can get the pictures back to the emails in Mail.
Thanx, dirk