No AppleWorks in new PowerBooks?

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Originally posted by mac-blog
My question is how someone who is so utterly negative was given the position of a moderator. It reflects poorly on the site. And I find nothing nice about your descriptions of a product which you have no experience using. The nice thing to do would have been to excuse yourself from the discussion before interjecting your negative opinions based on your lack of experience.

So because he doesn't think every Apple product is amazing makes him ineligible as a Mod? He gave his opinion. It may have been an uninformed one, but so what?

What frightens me is that you seem to have taken it personally (ie. his character is questionable because he doesn't agree with you and has the gall to not love an Apple product).
id use pico or textedit before id use appleworks.

C'mon Kendall, you can do better that that: by exaggerating this far you're really losing credibility on this issue. You can repeat over and over you don't like AppleWorks, you can call it crap n+1 times, but until you come with reasons, I have to agree with people who claim you should actually use a program before bashing it.

I'd use any TeX instead of any WYSIWYG editor, were it not that I can work faster on the latter. The results, however, are beyond comparison and in favor of the former!

There is a version of NisusWriter coming for OS X IIRC, maybe that would be an alternative for M$ office. DISLAIMER: I am not affiliated in any way with Nisus(TM), nor have I ever used any of their programs. ;)
im not trying to gain credibility. my argument is, appleworks sucks. i dont care who uses it and who thinks its wonderful. i personally wouldn't pay $80 for it. i used clarisworks for years and liked it. i just dont think appleworks is a quality apple product. while apple has abandoned it for so long is a shame. maybe they should do something about that but until they do, im not going to sit here and fumble around with its horrible UI or drive myself insane trying to fix the margins and the spacing and all the blips and blaps that occur when opening up a word file with it.

the reason id use pico or textedit before appleworks is because they're no delusion about what they are. to me, appleworks is not a capable word processor.
Originally posted by kendall
... my argument is, appleworks sucks. i dont care who uses it and who thinks its wonderful. i personally wouldn't pay $80 for it. i used clarisworks for years and liked it....

...the reason id use pico or textedit before appleworks is because they're no delusion about what they are. to me, appleworks is not a capable word processor.

if u wanna use classicworks thats ur choice :)
if u wanna think tha appleworks sucks or is crap that also ur choice! :)
if u consider that appleworks is a delusion thats also ur choice . and if u wanna use textedit instead thats ALSO ur choice :)

BUT as u can see hardly NOONE agrees with u:) u have obviously not used appleworks in deapth and since u ARE prejudiced against every apple app or hardware , i BELIEVE we have ALL given you ENOUGH attention :)
its very clear that I, being 17 years old and with a very short mac experience can make better,clearer and fairer arguments/comments than you :)
many threads just get out of hand and nothin good comes out of it, due to ur posts:) i think ill prefer to stop reading most of ur posts from now and on :) thanx
ok, back on topic for this thread...
AppleWorks is not included in "Power" Macs/Books because they are proffessional machines, and Appleworks is a consumer application. Proffessionals buy por machines with an intended purpose: if you need pro word processing or pro spreadsheet, you get something like Office (or any other pro choice that may be superior); if you need the machine for graphics, you will buy the graphics software and have little use for a consumer product like AppleWorks. Since iMac/iBook/eMac are targeted at a consumer market, they get a software bundle since consumers only need a little bit of everything, so to speak. Hence the "i" computers including a whole software bundle: AppleWorks (Office-like stuff), Quicken (financial stuff), WorldBook (research), OttoMatic (Games for the kids/you), and more. Now what will be interesting is if the rumors of Keynote being the beginning of an Office-like suite pan out, and maybe this "Apple Office" will be bundled on pro machines?
Originally posted by stealth
if u wanna use classicworks thats ur choice
if u wanna think tha appleworks sucks or is crap that also ur choice!
if u consider that appleworks is a delusion thats also ur choice . and if u wanna use textedit instead thats ALSO ur choice

BUT as u can see hardly NOONE agrees with u u have obviously not used appleworks in deapth and since u ARE prejudiced against every apple app or hardware , i BELIEVE we have ALL given you ENOUGH attention
its very clear that I, being 17 years old and with a very short mac experience can make better,clearer and fairer arguments/comments than you
many threads just get out of hand and nothin good comes out of it, due to ur posts i think ill prefer to stop reading most of ur posts from now and on thanx

i often forget that im addressing children that have little to no control over their emotions. i realize that some children had difficulties differentiating between opinion and fact. i see now how using the words "suck" and "apple" in the same sentence might confuse and offend some of our younger members with limited self control. i could have been clearer with my description of appleworks. i think i should have said, "sucks for non professional users." i hope that clears things up.
Kendall, basically, you said you have used apple works one time. It is pure crap. You would use pico before appleworks. It is utter and complete garbage.

First of all, software that is utter and complete garbage is popularly classifed as software that constantly crashes or just doesn't work.

Appleworks WORKS.

It might be very limited, but it is not unusable.

You say that you used it only once and it is so horrible that you became pale and your draw dropped and you fell to your knees and ripped out your hair and the blood of your forefathers flowed from the corners of your eyes as you gazed upon the god forsaken dark sky of Appleworks.

That's fine. We all just want to know WHY.

WHY was it so bad???? If you are going to bash appleworks so much, you might as well say why it is so horrible. What did it do wrong?

Just curious, thanks.
^^ what he said.

Facts require proof, opinions require reasons.

Calling your interlocutors childish is an ad hominem attack which is frowned upon and not acceptable as an argument.

When you claim that AppleWorks does not live up to your expectations or cannot be dubbed "professional", I expect that you explain why, by giving reasons, examples, telling us what you expected, etc. Simply telling us that it sucks is a bit childish... ;)
Originally posted by solrac
Kendall, basically, you said you have used apple works one time. It is pure crap. You would use pico before appleworks. It is utter and complete garbage.

First of all, software that is utter and complete garbage is popularly classifed as software that constantly crashes or just doesn't work.

Appleworks WORKS.

It might be very limited, but it is not unusable.

You say that you used it only once and it is so horrible that you became pale and your draw dropped and you fell to your knees and ripped out your hair and the blood of your forefathers flowed from the corners of your eyes as you gazed upon the god forsaken dark sky of Appleworks.

That's fine. We all just want to know WHY.

WHY was it so bad???? If you are going to bash appleworks so much, you might as well say why it is so horrible. What did it do wrong?

Just curious, thanks.

...This is VERY easy! Kendal likes to bash Apple in ANY possible way just because! :D

As for him giving us excuses... why bother? Because he is moderating a mac forum? Nope! Because he likes apples? Nope! Because he cares? Nope!

He just likes to pick a fight with ANY possible member... just because...

And if ones changes, like the following examples, his way of handling things here this would be a fatal mistake, isn't it?

Examples follows (for little members of this forum because Kendal likes to make fun of them, or isn't he?):
Windows sucks... I've loaded the OS once and it crushed! I loaded once more and I found that it has a horrible UI. So, Windows sucks... Intel sucks also because the P4 design doesn't come in red and rainbow color schemes... Also, this forum sucks because the text and stuff are horrible... Members of this forum suck because they are black, white, red, yellow colored...

Yep, I see your way of handling arguments Kendal... They are logical and put your thoughts into perspective and also make this forum a better place for us the Mac users and even the possible future switchers...

I don't know why NOBODY complains here about you but here I am: I find your way of moderating this forum closer to a Mac hater than a Mac user (not even supporter, not even advocate I would like you to act as a down to earth Mac user)...

AppleWorks sucks just because Kendal, isn't it? Yeah, I see how an airplane can suck while I've never piloted one... :D

As for self control, before you learn someone or even advise him/her you should give yourself a lesson or two on the self control area... Because I think that many people here find you lacking on this area :rolleyes:

This, or either you throw here anything just to fish people in order for them to full this forum with ANY kind of text... Just because!

I dearly hope that it is the last one or Dear Sir you have to clear your potition: Moderate or Bash... :cool:

And before anyone will PM me, he/she should first PM himself...
kedall once said. WINDOWS XP ARE ROCK SOLID ... <----hahahahaha

i dont care how old i am. im old enough to now that this stamenet does not stand :)

i dont know if he has WINDOWS XP ROCK SOLID EDITION. if he doesnt. then he musnt be using his windows in any pprofessional manner. but he doesnt need to . THEY STILL CRASH :)

so ill just keep on laughin like a baby HAHAHAHAH ROCK SOLID.. HAHAHAH
*walks quietly to the exit trying not to step in the sticky pools of kool-aid that have collected on the ground from this ravenous pack of mac-fanatics*
mac fanatics ? i dont know
maybe macfans (u know. the kinda guys that are happy to see apple updates. the kinda guys that try to make good comments about apple and arent SO NEGATIVE with their favourite computer company) :) isnt that different ?
Originally posted by kendall
*walks quietly to the exit trying not to step in the sticky pools of kool-aid that have collected on the ground from this ravenous pack of mac-fanatics*

...evading in an ironic way the real question: Should a logical grown up person + moderator of a Mac forum say that ANYTHING sucks without explanations? Or people of ANY age here don't deserve your king treatment, Sir?

I did a search to discover opinions on why appleworks is no longer bundled - and discovered this flame war!

And i can't resist:

kendall, you seem to be the most childish person here in terms of your arguments and reasons. I use childish in a derogatory way, though not to reflect badly on children in general.

When challenged to defend yourself against your _baffling_ train of thought, you simply, and litterally, left the room, giving one more passing shot to those left - those waiting to here any plausible reason for that dribble you spewed over the course of two pages.

I suggest normal common sense from herein: ie, think before you type, and know both sides before putting opinions forward (especially controversial ones).

that is all.
AOL sucks
M$ sucks
iomega sucks
belkin sucks
maxtor sucks

and right now, SBC Yahoo sucks.

most of these you would take at face value. some of the others i have discussed in great detail elsewhere. and if Yahoo doesn't fix my service soon, you'll be hearing all about that soon as well. i don't have to explain myself to anybody for having opinions.

I've said it before and i'll say again - everyone here has the right to be wrong. if you don't like that, then go find somewhere else to harrass each other. Adults and children are expected to get along here. if you can't communicate like adults, then go find another site - i don't care what your real age is.

There is already a huge thread about appleworks vs office on this site. ressurect it if you want to discuss this further. this thread is closed.

Stealth - consider yourself publicly warned. continue your stabs and laughing at kendall or anyone else will see your account banned immediately. I agree with most of what you say, but the way you say it is not acceptable.

Hulkaros - shape up as well or you'll find yourself in the same boat as your friend. you know the rules well enought not to resort to this level.

Buggerit - just your name has you on my watch list, which is how i discovered this ridiculous thread in the first place - and your post lived up to all i had preconceived.

For most everybody else who participated in attacking kendall - consider this a friendly warning. stop this kind of posting now or you too will find yourself gone before long. personal attacks are not tolerated at all. personal attacks on moderators are tolerated even less. :(
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