Originally posted by solrac
Kendall, basically, you said you have used apple works one time. It is pure crap. You would use pico before appleworks. It is utter and complete garbage.
First of all, software that is utter and complete garbage is popularly classifed as software that constantly crashes or just doesn't work.
Appleworks WORKS.
It might be very limited, but it is not unusable.
You say that you used it only once and it is so horrible that you became pale and your draw dropped and you fell to your knees and ripped out your hair and the blood of your forefathers flowed from the corners of your eyes as you gazed upon the god forsaken dark sky of Appleworks.
That's fine. We all just want to know WHY.
WHY was it so bad???? If you are going to bash appleworks so much, you might as well say why it is so horrible. What did it do wrong?
Just curious, thanks.
...This is VERY easy! Kendal likes to bash Apple in ANY possible way just because!
As for him giving us excuses... why bother? Because he is moderating a mac forum? Nope! Because he likes apples? Nope! Because he cares? Nope!
He just likes to pick a fight with ANY possible member... just because...
And if ones changes, like the following examples, his way of handling things here this would be a fatal mistake, isn't it?
Examples follows (for little members of this forum because Kendal likes to make fun of them, or isn't he?):
Windows sucks... I've loaded the OS once and it crushed! I loaded once more and I found that it has a horrible UI. So, Windows sucks... Intel sucks also because the P4 design doesn't come in red and rainbow color schemes... Also, this forum sucks because the text and stuff are horrible... Members of this forum suck because they are black, white, red, yellow colored...
Yep, I see your way of handling arguments Kendal... They are logical and put your thoughts into perspective and also make this forum a better place for us the Mac users and even the possible future switchers...
I don't know why NOBODY complains here about you but here I am: I find your way of moderating this forum closer to a Mac hater than a Mac user (not even supporter, not even advocate I would like you to act as a down to earth Mac user)...
AppleWorks sucks just because Kendal, isn't it? Yeah, I see how an airplane can suck while I've never piloted one...
As for self control, before you learn someone or even advise him/her you should give yourself a lesson or two on the self control area... Because I think that many people here find you lacking on this area
This, or either you throw here anything just to fish people in order for them to full this forum with ANY kind of text... Just because!
I dearly hope that it is the last one or Dear Sir you have to clear your potition: Moderate or Bash...
And before anyone will PM me, he/she should first PM himself...