I'm only replying to two points, one because I think it's important to clear up a point and another because it's on topic.
Originally posted by hulkaros
Gimme a break... They stop supporting NT even on Wintels... Yeah... Me too, have that Spectrum loading Commando via tape... And of course nobody wanted it because the implementation of that time and because they didn't want to improve it was FUBAR compared to i386... As for CE: I cannot exactly use it for PhotoShop, can I? What's next? You gonna tell me that M$ Watches are the next big thing for computers?
Wrong. Win2K still supports Alpha, it is the last version that supports a non x86 platform. So from NT3.1 to Win2K, that's what over 10 years of supporting some other platform other than x86. The implementation of each NT version (I include Win2K since it is just NT renamed) was EXACTLY the same for ALL platforms they supported. What are you basing your information on here. Did you actually use any of these versions? Where you involved in the corp. world when they were trying to make decisions on whether to run NT on a non x86 platform? Are you aware of the history of NT and the non x86 support. It sounds like you are just stating some opinions that have no basis in reality. To say that they didn't succeed because of FUBAR or because the non x86 versions were not "up to date" is patently WRONG.
What about PGP? Password protected zipped files? Scrumbled files? Etc? These aren't enough? Give yourself a break... YOU are trying to mis-inform us: A feature? Yes! A lock-in feature that is... Because for the average Joe out there he/she will read that the new M$ product has this awesome feature and because other products do not have it (even the older ones from M$) he/she would go ahead and buy it even if he/she will NEVER use it...
PGP/Password protected ZIP/et al DO NOT give you the same types of features that a well thought out DRM support can. They can't prevent the user from printing the document (either way they can't prevent you from doing screen caps, unless M$ also modifies the base OS to prevent this as well, which would be useful). They can't prevent you from forwarding/copying the document and simply providing someone else with your password. They can't limit the number of times the document is viewed.
And once again, even from a logical standpoint, if one chooses not to apply DRM to their documents, how is this a "locking in" feature? You STILL haven't showed how this is the case. "M$ convinces people that they need it and people will run out and buy it" is your only argument for how this is evil M$ at work?
If I read you ok, my reply is: Since when Evil doesn't like Death? They are one and the same...
This statement pretty much sums things up. If you can't see the difference then there is nothing more to say.
Like I said, if you want to startup another thread over in Cafe to "discuss" M$ and Intel some more, then I'll be happy to banter. We should try to keep this on topic, ie DRM and Office.