No logic in how folders are arranged when using Labels on Desktop


This is a minor annoyance but I wonder if anyone has a comment on this.
I assume that if I choose label colors for my folders on the desktop, that they will arrange (strangely enough) from right to left. I get that. What I can't seem to get though is when I choose label colors, they never arrange in the order they appear in the choices.

I always get the purple at the far left, unless I use a green. If I use two greens, they'll show up at the far left, but not if I have red and so forth.

The only "color" that always shows up to the far right first is none.
Of course, after googling for about 15 minutes with only search results about how to use labels to label files and folders by clicking on the colors, I stopped by here to post the note.

Just curious whether this has always been a glitch or if I'm missing something.

And yes, I'm still using 10.6.8 because I just had a nightmare simply upgrading to 10.7 Lion ... and I hesitate on Mavericks because I have some software/hardware I need to double check and I can't afford to replace should something go awry.

Thanks in advance.
The label arrangement of folders in icon view IN A FOLDER, seems to put the labeled folders together by color NAME, and not by some hierarchy of labels as listed in Get Info or Finder Preferences.
Folders on the Desktop, however, do not clean up or sort in the same way by label.
I did a test with separate labeled folders, some with multiple folders with the same label.
On the Desktop, a cleanup by label would position the files, but not all labels would be together. No real sort logic by label on the Desktop.
I put that same set of folders in another folder. When I viewed THOSE folders in icon view (remember, not on the desktop, but within a folder) then changing the view to By Label, sorted all the folders with the labels together, and sorted alphabetically by the name of the label.
Just to add to the confusion, you can certainly rename the colors used by the labels, and the labeled folders will re-sort by whatever the name of that label may be.
My own take on this - is that folder labels are not designed for system sorting, but are just a visual cue for you to use in whatever manner you like.
My suggestion:
Move your labeled folders into groups (or to the desktop position that you like) manually. Turn "sort by" in the View settings to "off" or "none", so you can move your icons to wherever you want on the Desktop.