no luck in setting up my Time Machine


This is what I'm doing, but still no luck in setting up my Time Machine - did once now I get 'Connection Failed'...

1) Open System Preferences
2) Choose Time Machine
3) Choose Backup Disck
4) Enter your user name AND password so Time Machine can accesss the file server "Time Capsule"
5) There is only one entry space for a password which when entered I get the following -

Connection failed:
"This file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Please try to connect again later."

...any ideas? I'm stumped! I had an Airport Extreme setup (which still connects fine and provides a wireless internet connection) Initially the Time Machine seemed to work fine and backed up my laptop - I then set up (2) other machines with Airport Utility (that came w/the Time Machine) to recognize and use the wireless network and use the Time Machine for automated backups. Do I need to partition before backing up several machines? Or does it detect each and backup individually, but on the one partition on the hard drive?

I have 'reset' the Time Machine thinking this would help, but after I had done the backup and now I'm thinking I can't access what I've already backed up - what a mess. Any ideas?

Hardware Overview:

Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz