No manuals? (man command)


I've tried man man, man ls, man EVERYTHING and the result is always the same "no manuals found for that command" What gives?

X11 Beta 3 installed (including sdk). 10.2.6, happily running several nix programs but stumbling around in the terminal every time I want to look for something (yeah I know, I need a book).

type manpath and see where it is search for man files

and try manpath -d
thats debug, it gives me this output:
sh-2.05a$ manpath -d
found mandatory man directory /usr/share/man
found optional man directory /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man

path directory /bin is in the config file
adding /usr/share/man to manpath

path directory /sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /usr/bin is in the config file
/usr/share/man is already in the manpath

path directory /usr/sbin is not in the config file
and doesn't have man or MAN subdirectories

path directory /Library/MySQL/bin is not in the config file
but it does have a man or MAN subdirectory
adding /Library/MySQL/man to manpath

adding mandatory man directories

/usr/share/man is already in the manpath

you might not have all that but some should be there!
This is what I get with manpath and manpath -d

> manpath
(Warning: MANPATH environment variable set)
> manpath -d
found mandatory man directory /usr/share/man
found optional man directory /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/share/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man
(Warning: MANPATH environment variable set)

What is the warining telling me?
I fixed it!

Here is what I did:

unsetenv MANPATH

now all manuals seem to work. I have no idea how the MANPATH environment variable got set. i know I did not do it!:rolleyes: