No more trash sounds


This is kind of a silly question, but I've noticed recently that I no longer get audible feedback when I perform actions like moving an item to the trash. I checked under Sound in System Preferences, and `Play user interface sound effects' is still checked. This is true for all my accounts, even the administrator one I haven't used since creating it, so I suspect I accidentally deleted a file somewhere, but I don't know where to look. Any suggestions?
The system alert sound also isn't playing. My sampling rate was set to 48000 Hz, but changing it to 44100 Hz in Audio MIDI Setup (as suggested in Help) didn't help.
Sorry for so many posts in a row. The behaviour is really strange.

I tried rebooting the Mac (a Powerbook G4), and the sounds came back, but now my headphones weren't recognised (all sounds played through the internal speakers, whether the headphones were plugged in or not). I thought maybe the Powerbook was confused because I booted it with the headphones plugged in, so I tried again with them unplugged. The problem continued.

My headphones are attached to an extension cord, so I unplugged the extension and plugged them in directly. This worked fine. Then I reconnected the extension cord and plugged that in -- and that also worked fine.

I suppose all's well that ends well, but this strange behaviour troubles me. Any thoughts?