Originally posted by Tigger
Oh boy, what is this all about?
The Mac IS the Mac OS.
I don't care what hardware it runs on.
If I can get cheap hardware, that is just fine.
What are you afraid of?
Hee hee. Was anyone else out there a BeOS fan
circa 1997 or so? It was this cool little OS that
was making heaps of progress between releases,
until (dum dum dum) they released an Intel
version, and subsequently their engineers
were stretched impossibly trying to support
umpteen billion mutually incompatible hardware
configurations, all the while being mercilessly
stomped upon by a mammoth competitor with
infinite resources which would stop at nothing
to preserve its market monopoly.
From the moment Be released their Intel version,
support for the PPC version went immediately
into the crapper. Intel users got all the new features,
and the vibe from the company made it clear
that the PPC platform was an afterthought.
Just say no...