No OS9 or Print when switching users


When logging into other users on this non-networked Mac, I cannot boot OS9 or use the printer. The Print Center panel won't allow selecting the printer installed on the system and often gives an error -13. The main user account works fine.

I have an iMac flat panel/768 MB Ram, Lexmark Z55 with current driver.

The OS is 10.2.3

Any suggestions? (hopefully not requiring terminal use ):eek:
First try opening the Disk utility and reset permissions.

If that don't work do an archive reinstall and preserve users and network settings. It is pretty painless
Himroid, I may be barking up the wrong tree, but is it because the other users aren't administrators? That could stop them booting into OS9... dunno about the printer, though.
Nope, admin access is checked, not the prob. I think I may boot from the original CD and go from there with backward install/re-install 10.2.3