It may not be forbidden to wipe OS X, but it will be futile. Apple will not update MacOS 9 for the new hardware. So, it will still not boot the new machines.Originally posted by toast
Anyway, it's not forbidden to wipe off OSX to get OS9 from the CD back in place .
Hey, it's not SO stupid... OS9 will be VERY FAST on new 2003-Macs !
Originally posted by MisterMe
Apple will not update MacOS 9 for the new hardware. So, it will still not boot the new machines.
Originally posted by fryke
If the games play fine on that B&W G3, give them that machine and use the 2003 PowerMac for yourself. Btw. You haven't bought that future Macintosh yet, have you? Plus: New games will, of course, run without any instance of NostalgOS, erhm, Mac OS 9.
Originally posted by fryke
Also, is that 8000$ plotter a single user machine or can an old G3 share it to other users, Mac OS X users, too, perhaps? Maybe you too could keep _some_ machine for that purpose when you buy the new PowerMacs?
Originally posted by dracolich
Since there is a Starcraft X version around but there is an installer problem, I think Bungie will provide us with an Xstaller.
I also wonder if Apple will provide us a for 10.3, a 9-in-a-box sort of thing, comparable to Virtual PC or vMac... a full featured emulation program with real integration into OS X (drag-and-drop between live desktops, as an example).