No PowerMacs @ MW ? and so ?


Many people here and around the web are talking about the release of new PowerMacs and the rumor that they won't be released for MW, next week.

I think that you shouldn't count MacRumors or CNET ( as sources of this rumor, they only repeat or sum-up what other sites say. The most of time, they don't have their own sources. This is what I could notice by visiting them regularly.

Thinksecret, macosrumors (or mine;)) are sites that actually have their own sources, so the rumor of Thinksecret seems accurate but it more looks like an opinion than a real rumor. Thinksecret sources have only been told that Apple has still much PowerMacs on inventory to sell before releasing new products. They haven't clearly be told that Apple decided to delay new PowerMac's announcement.

Apple may have found other solutions to this issue:
- keeping the 800Mhz Power Mac as low end with lower price tag, that solution could canibalize iMac sales though,
- giving them to education market only for really cool prices,
- releasing new PowerMacs with higher prices than the current line,
- another solution that I cannot find since I'm not Steve Jobs.

If Apple doesn't release these PoweMacs next week, it's not a catastroph though, they can:
- release them on a special event some time in mid-August, coinciding with Jaguar final release,
- release them for Seybold or AppleExpo with immediate availability for all models,
- not release them, aaaaaaaah!!!!!

What about specs?
- DDR for sure,
- g4@1400: probably, maybe dual for both mid & high end
- 60/80Gb/2x80 or 120Mb Hard disks,
- FireWire 2 almost sure,
- GeForce 4 MX on lowest end and GeForce Ti on the two others,
- Airport 2, almost sure
- new enclosure,
- DVDR on all! Steve himself said it last year, that "next year we want all the line to include DVDR".

Well, although I'm a rumor site author, I don't learn you much things on the last lines because I don't know more than others. Don't take it as "reliable rumors", It's just my opinion. If I had rumors, I would post them on my site ;).
I posted this is the another thread, but I will repost.. is saying the same thing, and they aren't a rumor mill...
but I still hold out hope for faster powermacs..

(pasted from link)

MSNBC is saying 17inch iMac's, new iTunes, The new Power Macs will pack processors in excess of 1.2GHz, along with faster memory and a faster system bus

During his keynote, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is expected to give an August release date for Jaguar, which would be at least a month earlier than expected, sources said. But other sources said Jaguar development is so far ahead of schedule that, barring any last-minute glitches, Jobs may deliver surprise news on how soon the new OS will be ready
There are really only two sources for the "No new PowerMacs at MWNY" rumor. First is Nick DePlume from ThinkSecret. He "broke" this rumor first. Second, is Joe Wilcox, who's story is syndicated, and carried by C|Net and MSNBC. Joe's take, though, seems to parrott Nick DePlume's article almost verbatim, and he doesn't really reference any sources, so he might just be repeating what he read from Nick.

Personally, I understand the logic behind the rumor (high inventories), and wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's true. On the other hand, Apple would be missing a huge opportunity to captilize on the free publicity that comes with announcing products at the Expo. It seems to me they would probably demo the new machines, announce their availability as sometime in Aug/Sept, and either price them higher than the current crop of QuickSilvers, or drop the QuickSilvers in price, so they don't cannnibalize each other's sales.

All will be revealed soon enough. If the new PowerMacs don't get released or announced at MWNY, you can bet they will be debuted sometime before Seybold in Sept., at the very latest.
Originally posted by cclear
MSNBC is saying 17inch iMac's, new iTunes, The new Power Macs will pack processors in excess of 1.2GHz, along with faster memory and a faster system bus
Not that it's the important part, but new iTunes makes sense to me. I saw an iTunes icon somewhere on Apple's site (I think somewhere in the AppleScript area) that has 3 music notes on it. Remember, iTunes 1 had one music note, and now iTunes 2 has two. It just make sense to me, that someone made a mistake, and maybe they have icons lined up for iTunes way ahead of release dates of future versions. Of course, I may be completely wrong, and I'm sure someone will say so if I am.
You're completely wrong :D

The icon for iTunes 1 has 3 music notes not one. They decreased it to 2 for iTunes 2. So you are wrong :). There might be a new version of iTunes though...
iTunes 1 had 3 notes
iTunes 2 had 2 notes
iTunes 3 has 1 note.

Do you think iTunes will be discontinued soon? :P Sounds like a countdown to me.
maybe I am wrong. I guess I probably am, I don't have a copy of iTunes 1 in front of me, so you two probably know better. I was sure I remembered it having just one note, though.... I will say you guys are probably right, but if I discover otherwise please don't be offended if I post a screenshot.
I wonder how this thread has turned to iTunes notes ;) Anyway, there is nothing else to tell about PowerMacs, we just have to wait to see the news.