no privledges + monitor problem


Intro: Ahh! I installed Mac OS X on one partition and OS 9.1 on the other. I am trying my best to learn OSX and stick with it, but its pissing me off. YES I know Apple is working on drivers and YES I know drivers will come sometime within the next two years but WHY did I BUY this OS that only makes my life more difficult?

My problem: Anyways, two days a go while i was on OS 9.1 I downloaded an OSX file and put it on the OSX partition. Now I cant delete it on OSX because I dont have access privledges. NO ONE BUT ME HAS TOUCHED THIS COMPUTER! WHEN DID MAC OS ASK ME IF I WANTED MULTI USERS? DELETE THE GAY FOLDER AHH!!! Also, 50% of the time when i restart my computer my monitor is colored blue or red or its really dark. I have to keep unplugging the computer and rebooting until it fixes..whats this?? Thanks guys for the help.
about the privileges subject read my comment in "Admin vs Root".

the monitor problem could be 1001 things. Does it happen in OS 9 also ?
yes..the problem occures no matter what OS im booting into. the problem, when it does occurer, occures as soon as the monitor turns on.