No sound in Mac OS9!?

Alexander Smith

I am the owner of a PowerBook G4. I have OSX 10.4 and OS9.2.2 installed. Sound workes fine in OSX, but in OS9 there is no sound. Finder tells me that my computer has no speakers in which to stream the sound through. However my computer DOES have speakers because OSX uses them and list them in the sound section. OS9 doesn't list them in the OS9 sound section though. Any idea why this is happening? BTW, I copied the OS9 system files from another computer because I couldn't do a real install because my internal CD drive in broken, so I had to do a transfer via ethernet connection. I don't understand what the problem is.

Also, that's not the only problem I've had with OS9, I also have the problem that OS9 won't play any my OS9 games. Tactical Ops and Rainbow Six have been tested, and TacOps says a certain library can't be found, and Rainbow Six just quits. I am going to get an external firewire DVD drive soon, and I'll be using that to install OS9 from the Classic Support CD. But this is a little frustrating since I've done a system9 transfer like this before and have never had any problems. Could it be because those other computers were desktops and this is a laptop?
Knowing only what has been posted, it is obvious that the dragged over 'System Folder' contents may be incomplete, and / or not all compatible files for a PowerBook G4 exist.

'Could it be because those other computers were desktops and this is a laptop?' - see the above, possible, explanation.

The is no such thing as a 'OSX ... sound section' or 'OS9 sound section'; there are however a 'MacOS X 'System Preferences' 'Sound' utility, and a 'System Folders' 'Control Panels' folder's 'Sound' control panel file, respectively.