No Success yet?

Ordered Beta just after store reopend about 6:10 a.m. on the 13th; paid the 10 bucks for FedEx.

I checked the status this eve hoping it was shipped today and its status is "Being Assembled."

Guess that makes sense since it's a beta...
Originally posted by Yikes!
Ordered Beta just after store reopend about 6:10 a.m. on the 13th; paid the 10 bucks for FedEx.

I checked the status this eve hoping it was shipped today and its status is "Being Assembled."

Guess that makes sense since it's a beta...

Thats odd... I ordered mine about 6:25 CST and it still says "Being Reviewed" :(

What time zone you in?
I meant to meantion I', in the EDT time zone, which pretty much messes up Monday Night Football, but does get my order in an hour before yours.

PS. It's now 6:23 am EDT and it's still "being assembled." I sure hope thety hace enough bits st the factory to build my CD!

Originally posted by Yikes!

PS. It's now 6:23 am EDT and it's still "being assembled." I sure hope thety hace enough bits st the factory to build my CD!

Well first they have to assemble the CD so they can put those bit on it!!
48 hrs and mine is still being assembled, I wonder why I paid the Ten bucks foe 3 day delivery, I hope it's worth the wait.
I talked with the Apple Store:Its sitting on the doc, I am not sure if that's a punn or an alabi. But It is promised by next tuseday and no, they will not let me change the shiping order to anything other then the 2 day (10.00 deal, Seems kind of pointless NOW.
At least the Apple Store give you some info, as does their website. Here in the UK my order from 4 weeks ago for a mouse is apparently still be reviewed....even though I've had it for 2 weeks !!! And whenever I ring them they never have a clue. You US guys are lucky in comparisson. But as long as it gets here in the end, I'm happy !
When I look under order history their are 2 numbers and orders even though Mac osx was the only thing ordered. also in the order review one says being assembled and the other says, well just read for yourself

09/13/2000 W955323 Being Assembled
09/13/2000 W960843 Being Reviewed

this is as of 9/16/00, i wish they had a more comprehensive order tracking and info system. i dont even know why their are 2 different objects in my order. if anyone can help me i would appreciate it. Please try to explain this to me as i dont want to have my account charged for 2 Mac osx's or another product
The latest is, Order has shipped, Thats the good news.
The bad news is the Fed-X tracking # Apple gave me does Not compute, and checking my bank account there is no funds missing for this order. Other not so good news is I just found out that OSX want's 128 mem min. Can,t use vertual mem
Oh well what's a few more buck's when your on the cutting edge
I found alot of downloadable lititure on the applr site
about mem and drive partitioning. Hope you read faster then I do there's a lot of stuff. Good Luck and may the force be with you.
Originally posted by machead
Originally posted by Yikes!

PS. It's now 6:23 am EDT and it's still "being assembled." I sure hope thety hace enough bits st the factory to build my CD!

Well first they have to assemble the CD so they can put those bit on it!!

Iwanted it. I got it. Its great. And whoa, i'm in australia!!!!!
heh heh
When in New Zealand able to get a copy of MacOS X PB? When you purchase the PB, does that entitle you to a cheaper/free full version or do you have to pay again?

thanks in advance
Originally posted by dukejava
When in New Zealand able to get a copy of MacOS X PB? When you purchase the PB, does that entitle you to a cheaper/free full version or do you have to pay again?

thanks in advance

Wouldn't hold ya breath. Its a privelidge to beta test products. Youll have to pay full price like every other deserving beta tester!
You don't need 128 mb of RAM to run OSX. It is only suggested. If you have less you just won't be able to get classic support, but you can always boot seperately into OS9. I'm running on 92MB fine and I've seen it work on 64, I doubt it would work on any less though.

G3 400
6 GB IDE HardDrive
Zip Drive, CD Burner, Scanner