No video at boot with a Quicksilver 2002


Hey folks. I've got a G4 with a geforce4mx in it, running jaguar.

About every other time it boots, the monitor will be out of sync (no video, just a "i won't do that refresh rate" message).

The computer DDC's the monitor fine after it's been shift-rebooted, and there are no other issues with the system .. it sleeps and wakes up properly, runs screamin' fast, etc., etc. The monitor is a Dell 17" something.

I can work around it by booting with shift down, then restarting again, but that's really irritating (and slow!) .. anybody got any advice?

quicksilver 2002 dual 1ghz g4 - geforce 4 mx - big ass hdd - 1/2 gb ram - superdrive - apple keybd - logitech wireless mousie - nothing special installed .. Jaguar build 6C115.

- shrill -
It must be related to the Dell monitor some how, my 17" Apple LCD with the same exact system (even the same mouse) is trouble-free, as expected.
Hmm .. you could be right. I'll see changing the monitor helps at all.
Beyond that, I guess I'll reboot a lot ... :D

- shrill -