No Web connection in OS X; fine in 9 & Classic!


So about 4 days ago, my internet connection (Cable) went dead in OS X. I checked the normal things like refreshing the IP address, rebooting the computer and the modem but nothing works. I hadn't changed any settings or installed any new software - it just went out without warning. AT&T (ugh!) says the connection is fine and I should "contact my manufacturer". Uh huh.

The funny thing is that the connection is awesome when I boot into OS 9 - everything works great. When I boot into Classic from OS X, it takes an eternity, but I'll get little blips of images coming into the browser (Netscape Navigator in 9).

I tried Disk First Aid and Norton's just in case, and I deleted everything relating to my software firewall. But it's definitely a problem with OS X. Any suggestions?

I'm not familiar with UNIX, but I know there are some commands that will provide me with some network information. Maybe that will help you guys? Thanks a bunch!

yeah, which modem are you using for your cable connection? can you think of any changes you made to your system (downloads, installs, etc) right before this problem started?

Computers aren't like mechanical machines... they very rarely just "stop working"... usually something about the system changes (it could be something one might consider unimportant) and it f*s up the routine...
I am having the same type of problem, but it occured after I updated airport software last night. My wife's LCD iMac (800 MHz, superdrive with 256 ram, running 10.2.1) was working after the update, but then quit this A.M. The computer now self-assigns a bogus IP address ignoring the DHCP linksys befw11s4v wireless router/firewall with cable modem connection. This occurs with airport and with the built in ethernet. I have tried manual IP configuration without success and have noted that the computer insist's the subnet is, and won't allow it to be changed. FSCK -y and norton 6 both say the drive is okay. The rest of the computers in the house are using the above network without problem.

where and how do I replace / adjust the config file to correct this problem.

Thanks in advance.
