Norton Utilities OS X


I just downloaded the Public Beta of NU for OS has no defrag-tool.

Am I missing something? Drive 10 -> no defrag. NU OS X -> no defrag

Does anybody know if Norton plans to include defrag in the final release ???
no idea about norton but the rep at mwsf assured me that it should be included in next update of drive10:)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
no idea about norton but the rep at mwsf assured me that it should be included in next update of drive10:)
That's very interesting--because a couple of months ago, I was told by someone from MicroMat that Drive 10 is an interim disk checking program and not intended to be anything more than that. When I pointed out the fact that their print advertising seems to suggest otherwise, I was told by this same person that this was not the way that he interpreted it.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. . .:confused:
Norton indicated some major errors on my OSX disk, so I tried to create a bootable CD with Norton and Drive 10 on it. However, this didn't work out fine. Anyone has a suggestion on how to do this? (I was able to boot from the CD, but I wasn't able to launch Norton or Drive 10 from it. I used the BootCD app - - to make the CD)
Right now, the Norton Utilities Public Beta for OS X is a waste. It doesn't feature Speed Disk so you can't optimize, and Disk Doctor doesen't seem to be 100% there. It found several errors on my HD that it was unable to fix. Funny, Norton Systemworks 1.0 had no problem fixing them.

I really hope that Symantec isn't dropping Speed Disk from the Suite of tools. It was the main reason I used NUM in the first place. If it's history, I'll have to either look at Drive10 or TechTool (when it becomes available for OS X)...
serpicolugnut - drive10 and techtool pro are both micromat products. techtool will remain their os 9 tool as far as i know. it currently fixes osx drives though.

Alsoft makes diskwarrior and plusoptimizer. they were running a demo of osx version of diskwarrior at mwsf and it should be released soon but i am not sure about plusoptimizer.

martijnvandijk - i would also love to learn how to make an osx boot disk. until i do i boot from original drive10 disk and run the updated version from another drive.
yea, i'd been thinking about it for awhile. you inspired me. guilty as charged:D
i also put my new graphire2 in after seeing yours. you need your system versions in it still

they look pretty good sitting next to one another, don't they?:cool:

(i think there are a few threads where they will appear that way:p )