Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

They didn't make any mention of java / script support in their email. But they did mention that 4.1 would include numerous improvements to speed and support--along with feature enhancements/additions.

They didn't say it would be out in Sept in my email, just that it could be expected shortly after 10.1 was released.
Originally posted by peppo
Ha ha, I used to have some faith in Mac users, but in the end, they are all idiots. This thread clearly demonstrates it.
Ha ha, I used to have some faith in PC users, but in the end, they are all idiots who don't know their left hand from their right. The quoted post above clearly demonstrates it.

(1) I challenge you to cite specifics to back up your idiotic generalization.

(2) I use Macs almost exclusively. I am also an expert in PC/Winblows networks, support and technology in general. In fact, my firm, and I personally, handle many patents for new tech from several major hardware and software companies/consortia, US and international, as well as several major universities and research labs. That said, I ( a mac user and -phile) challenge you to pit your IQ against mine. Any time, anywhere.

Put up or shut up.

P.S. Your grammatical error (using "it" instead of "that" at the end of your statement) leads me to believe I will have no difficulty embarrassing you in any mental competition...
Thought I smelt a troll. really, do they have nothing else to do?

Some boards delete posts like that, but I'll leave it as it just shows how superior we Mac  bermensch really are.

Macintosh Ùber alles...... *

* The above is just a joke. Please don't take offense. Think of it in terms of one of my favorite flicks/plays,The Producers, by Mel Brooks. :)

Hey! umlauts don't work!
Originally posted by apb3
Macintosh Ùber alles......

Hey! umlauts don't work!
They don't... in OmniWeb. In fact you cannot post anything with accents in OmniWeb... They reallly should be ashamed of themselves on that one : the problem has been there for a long time and they still haven't corrected it !

shame, shame, shame !

The being said, Macintosh Über alles (Mac for everyone) is a paraphrase. I cannot remember the original sentence (although I would believe it end with "Über alles" ;) ) and its original context. Help please !
You mean "Deutschland Ÿber Alles"????

or the Dead Kennedy's version:

"California Ÿber Alles"???

AND! the umlauts DO work while I'm typing them in. I can see them right now. Once I hit post, they get screwed up. Go figure!
Originally posted by apb3
the umlauts DO work while I'm typing them in. I can see them right now. Once I hit post, they get screwed up.
And that's (unfortunately) OmniWeb's fault... As you can see in my previous post, they work correctly in MSIE (that I have to use everytime I want to write a post with accents...)

I thought about Deutschland Über alles... When I come back from work, I"ll read a little about it. I've forgotten the specific historical context of that sentence.
Originally posted by Pascal

The being said, Macintosh ¹ber alles (Mac for everyone) is a paraphrase. I cannot remember the original sentence (although I would believe it end with "¹ber alles" ;) ) and its original context. Help please ! [/B]

by the way pascal, "ueber alles" doesn't mean "for everyone", it means "above everything else/more important than everything else"... used to be a part of the german national anthem ... "deutschland, deutschland ueber alles, ueber alles in der welt ..." but that part luckily was banned after the second world war and is nowadays only sung by right-wing fascist pigs ...
(not that i'm accusing apb3 of being one ... i can take a joke ... :) )

(oh, and ue is the official way to spell a 'u' with umlauts if omniweb won't show it ... )

and if it isn't a rumour, where is omniweb 4.1?
Thanks sith. Forgot to include the correct translation.

AND, I agree, Where the hell is 4.1!?

at least maybe my umlauts will work!:D
Originally posted by sithious
by the way Pascal, "ueber alles" doesn't mean "for everyone", it means "above everything else/more important than everything else"...
I stand corrected ! Precision in terms über alles ! ;)
(oh, and ue is the official way to spell a 'u' with umlauts if omniweb won't show it ... )
I know that, but that is only correct for German. Other languages don't have alternate spellings for when accents cannot be used. So it is still a big problem in OmniWeb...
and if it isn't a rumour, where is omniweb 4.1?
I've read on a Swiss rumor site that OW4.1 is due in the next few weeks. Apparently, so they write, the improvements are spectacular in terms of speed and compatibility (CSS and inscript/javascript in particular).