Not enough page-page navigation


Where mah "any" keys at?
It came to my attention some time ago that when one wants to navigate a large thread, one may find difficulty in getting to whichever page one wants. Specifically, I think looking only 2 pages forward or backward for threads with many, many posts is simply not enough. I can't see any reason not to put more page numbers up; why not go from 1 to 10 or something? Or, alternatively, you could put a drop-down menu in to immediately jump to the page you want.

Also, I think that the number of posts that can be viewed at one time should be increased. 40 works for threads of certain lengths, but for others, 60, 80, or 100 would be preferred. Just my 1%(2$).
first, i can't imagine why anyone wants to load so many posts at once. it only slows things down. there are rarely more than 4-5 new posts to any thread over a days time. i only load 10 posts at once in order to reduce load time for things i've already read.

part of the things you want aren't within the limitaions of vB. there is no way to vary post loads except thru your user cp. by the time you've done that, you haven't really gained anything. i also think a 'page jump' would be nice if vB provide it.

what i've always wanted to help with navigation is page links at the bottom of each page so i could go forward after reading the posts without having to scroll back to the top.

at any rate - thanks for the suggestions. :)
Yes page jump at the bottom, that's good. And better than all our suggestions: it already exists !
ok, what am i missing, cause i don't have that? i have never been able to find an option to enable this (either personally nor as a site wide thing).
well, blow me away!! you're right. it didn't used to be there. scott must have listened to me and he's probably been wondering how long it would take me to notice! duh!! :p

yet another example of how i can be wrong. :D
It must be quite new, 'cause I discovered it a few days ago, asking myself the same question: why do I have to go back to the top to have the next page !

Previous - Next icons may be bigger for faster browsing.
Yeah, it's been there as long as I've been on this site at least.

The reason I want the option (through the CP, of course—I didn't say it suddenly shouldn't be) is that when I open a thread with lots and lots of posts, I want as many on one page as possible to reduce subsequent loading time. It may take a while to load all the posts on 1 page at 40 posts/page, but it takes a lot longer to load multiple pages at only 10 posts/page. I just think there should be 1 greater option in the CP of how many posts to view.

Geez, Ed, how you could not notice the page jump at the bottom... :)