Not Familiar With 10.4.8


Upstate, New York
MacBook - Tiger. Used to running applications with 10.3.9. What utility is used to open an application such as Windows Media Player? Windows Media.dmg is the file name that is downloaded on the desktop. Why can't it be recognized?
You could give it a try.....FLip4Mac should support most of the WIndows Media formats out there, including streaming. Give it a try and see.
MacBook - Tiger. Used to running applications with 10.3.9. What utility is used to open an application such as Windows Media Player? Windows Media.dmg is the file name that is downloaded on the desktop. Why can't it be recognized?

check in Get Info to see what the default application is for opening .dmgs. change it, if needed, to DiskImageMounter
WMP 9 is going to be running under Rosetta, so it'd be a good idea to check out Flip4Mac..