(Not)Proud owner of a dead iBook


Sigh... :(
I left my 700Mhz 14" iBook at a friends place a few nights ago while he was having family over and someone killed my iBook...
Killed as in cracked underside of the case and totalled LCD...

It still boots and loads the OS, so that Im happy for (all my data is still intact)

My question is this.

What do i need to press to login.
Ie: Tab Tab to get to the Username and then Tab again to get to password, and then enter to login?

Im trying to login with out being able to see what Im doing.
Anyone know off hand what needs to be pressed? Or better yet, could someone reboot and find out?
Im running 10.2.x

Thanks guys!
nuclearsnake said:
Sigh... :(
I left my 700Mhz 14" iBook at a friends place a few nights ago while he was having family over and someone killed my iBook...
Killed as in cracked underside of the case and totalled LCD...

It still boots and loads the OS, so that Im happy for (all my data is still intact)

My question is this.

What do i need to press to login.
Ie: Tab Tab to get to the Username and then Tab again to get to password, and then enter to login?

Im trying to login with out being able to see what Im doing.
Anyone know off hand what needs to be pressed? Or better yet, could someone reboot and find out?
Im running 10.2.x

Thanks guys!

If you have two macs you could connect them together using the ethernet and hold down T on the ibook( with the broken screen) whilst booting up, then the drives would appear on the other macs finder. You would then be able to salvage data that way ?
I only have the laptop, if I had another mac, I would have tried to find out what I needed to press to login in myself.
Thanks for the tip anyway, Im adding that to my tip/trick list.

Anyone else..?
nuclearsnake said:
I only have the laptop, if I had another mac, I would have tried to find out what I needed to press to login in myself.
Thanks for the tip anyway, Im adding that to my tip/trick list.

Anyone else..?

well if the main users is the first on the list then the procedure would be

1. Wait untill your on the login screen ( i.e. when you think its there :) )
2. Press the return key ( this selects the first user and propmpts for password)
3. enter your password
4. Press the return key( logs in)

this should start up the rest pf the operating system.
Ouch, poor ibook! :(
If you want to select another user in the login screen, I think you have to press the up/down arrow once (this activates the user list) and then again as many times as you need to select the user you want.
When you think your login screen is there, type the first letter of the username that you are wanting to log in as. Then, press enter. At this point you can enter in your password. Hope this helps.
Why are you trying to log in in the first place? You won't be able to see what you're doing.

Find a friend who has a Mac with a Firewire port, and connect the two via Firewire. Then push the power button on your iBook and immediately hold down T, and you will mount the iBook's drive as a volume on the other Mac. You can then back up your data or do whatever you need to do.

Whatever happens, send your computer to Apple immediately. If it's still under warranty, or you have Applecare, they will fix or replace it for the cost of shipping.
Arden, no they won't. That is damage caused by accident or misuse, the warranty doesn't cover that :(
dlloyd said:
Arden, no they won't. That is damage caused by accident or misuse, the warranty doesn't cover that :(

Yeah....they usually won't...it's a horrible plan, even though I did pay for the applecare plan for 3 years...which cost me..err...almost $300 i believe they won't replace anything that is accidental or caused by misuse...which is horrid. I have a dell along with my iBook and I dropped the dell..the whole thing became busted....i sent it back and they basically gave me a working refurb of the same type....Apple...c'mon, toss us a freakin bone ;)
Person thinking ... "I wish I had 1.25 GHz iMac, my 800 Mhz one just seems so slow ... hmmm"

"Hi Apple support, my 800 MHz iMac just accidently fell off the top of my apartment complex, it's still under warranty so can I get a new one"

"Sure, we don't have any 800 Mhz models in stock any more, but would you mind a 1.25 GHz model?"

This would be the case all too frequently. You'd never have to pay for a new computer if Apple did this and you had the 3 year Apple Care with the rate that Apple updates models. Apple would go out of business
I paid $300 for Applecare, so far my power adaptor has stopped working for no good reason three, yes three times. That's over $400 of replacements :)
I think I've used over $300 of keyboards/mice replacements and computer-crashing problems so far, so it was a good plan for me.
nuclear, what did you do to this your relative .. or ex friend who did killl your mac? if he caused it, it's his fault, not yours ... aww.
i saw pictures of a powerbook that was fried in an oven and still worked (image looked baked on screen, but worked). and one of my friends dropped his 500 mhz ibook from 4m floor (15 feet) by accident (2 room studio), and .. the wooden floor got a hole where the 'book dropped - the ibook continued to work. and did not have even big scratches.

that makes me wonder what an earth did he/she do to kill your ibook. :(
Kicked it with steel-toed boots, maybe. They seem to be like eggs: You can wrap your hand around an egg and squeeze, and for the life of you not break the egg, but if you put pressure on one small spot you will crack it right open.

If Apple doesn't cover accidents, what do they cover, deliberate misuse? "Yeah, I whacked my iMac with a baseball bat oh, 5 or 6 times, could you send me a new one?" "Sure, it's on its way already." :rolleyes:
if you have the login option set to enter your username yourself, you just enter username, tab, enter password, enter. no initial tab needed, as the cursor's placed into the user field automatically.

btw.: why not simply get the money from the iBook-killer, buy a new one and move the data to your new iBook then?
Yeah, why should you have to pay for something that somebody else did to your computer?

This won't work if you don't know who did it, of course...
arden said:
Kicked it with steel-toed boots, maybe. They seem to be like eggs: You can wrap your hand around an egg and squeeze, and for the life of you not break the egg, but if you put pressure on one small spot you will crack it right open.

The 500 mhz ibook that dropped 15 feet .. its one corner hit the wooden floor, and the wooden floor got a hole in it. iBook nada (no itches, scratches, stitches.. nothing split etc, and it worked fine after). I think if he tried it with an egg that would have broken for sure.

So, if an ibook can survive a flight like that, what can he/she have done to that poor ibook??!!