Not sending mail


Entourage 2004

When I use airport I can receive mail but not send

Using wired network I can send and receive

Ant thoughts?

I have re-created accouts
changed router, other computers do not have this problem wireless
The fact that you are using Entourage 2004 likely has nothing to do with your problem. Your problem is because you don't have the proper SMTP server setting while trying to send mail wirelessly. You are silent on where you are using wireless. Most ISPs do not allow access to a SMTP server other than their own. Some ISPs block foreign access to Port 25, but allow SMTP access using Port 587. If changing your SMTP to Port 587 does not work, then you will probably have to use your ISP's webmail client to send mail.
Entourage 2004

When I use airport I can receive mail but not send

Using wired network I can send and receive

Ant thoughts?

I have re-created accouts
changed router, other computers do not have this problem wireless

I guess your are talking about the same airport, not for different airports.

For the same aiport, there is no difference in making an wireless or wired connection, so both should work. The only difference i can imaging are settings given out by the airport. Check for differences in the settings for a wired and wireless connection and have it adjusted to make them equal. Sometimes short names are used for servers like smtp and the rest is filled in by the router (domain name option). Always use the full name for external servers to prevent this issue.

If on different connections, especially with different providers the smtp server will be different, so you will have to change the smtp server setting (which is for outgoing mail (see previous message). The incoming mail setting does not change regardless of the isp used to access the internet (no or very low security risc) and your isp stores your mail, so obtaining it will have to be done on the mailserver of your isp.

Good luck, Kees
Thanks for the reply I was helping a friend out
Ibook was only 2 days old so she took it back to store and got a new one

I think what happened is the airport driver got corrupted, she was importing
6 years of past calendar into entourage 20,000 text files using O2M

I guess there would have been a way of re-install airport driver
Can you boot from CD and install individual things?
Computer was exchanged for a new one and we are still having same problem
(computer is only a few feet away from router)
We are going to try a different router see if that helps
I'm sure it a very simple solution when we find out

I have had this problem before when mistakenly connected to a neighbor’s router
Some ISP's will only let you sent thru them

I have an older G4 that sends no problem

We might try an N router to get better signal

As I understand it, with an N router you need the N wireless adapter in your computer to get the benefit?

We might try an N router to get better signal

It's not a signal strength problem. If you are connecting to your router, then you are connecting to ISP. Your messages should go through. If you are connecting to your neighbor's router and he has a different ISP, then you may have a problem.
Its a Linksys g router a neighbor also has a Linksys so we made ssid HOME

We had to buy a new router as it would not work with old linksys B
I took computer to my house and it worked on my dlink B router wierd!

I am going to exchange router to maybe get a Dlink N
give that a try
Its a Linksys g router a neighbor also has a Linksys so we made ssid HOME

We had to buy a new router as it would not work with old linksys B
I took computer to my house and it worked on my dlink B router wierd!

I am going to exchange router to maybe get a Dlink N
give that a try

I think this model Ibook is very fussy with wireless routers
Turns out that there was a neighbor using same ssid "Home"
we changed it to fishbowl instead and no one else has that
and no problems since

Thanks for the suppoort