NOTHING about the new FINDER???????


Mac Ninja
Who cares about the brushed metal and the toolbar on the left side.

No one answered the big finder questions!!!

1) Is it cocoa now? (Assuming yes)
2) Is it multitasking? (Hoping yes!)

Those were pretty much the big questions everyone wanted answered about the finder for like years, and no one answered them yet!
I'm pretty sure it's Carbon as well.
The Finder is the slowest part for me. The window takes a second to come up for me on a G4 400. But, I suspect it's due to it being a beta and it should be better in the final build.
Well, I actually believe it's a Carbon app that utilizes Cocoa calls. Remember, you can mix and match the technologies quite easily. It's not always a clear case of either/or.

I'm pretty happy - FTPing from the Finder finally actually works like it was advertised in 10.2.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Well, I actually believe it's a Carbon app that utilizes Cocoa calls. Remember, you can mix and match the technologies quite easily. It's not always a clear case of either/or.

I'm pretty happy - FTPing from the Finder finally actually works like it was advertised in 10.2.
Does that mean you can mount ftp as read/write instead of just read-only like in Jag?
aristotle- dude fix your sig - its way too big.

and welcome, may provide insight to many during your stay here!
I think the new finder would look a lot better if it didnt have borders (just like safari). But maybe apple are afraid to make it look to much like their webb-browser :)
It's really like Jaguar. Apple-K, connect to the FTP-server. Nothing changed in FTP per se. Network connect looks different, though.