Now it's Photoshop 7!

Speed is pretty steller for a beta. Especially to screen redraw!!!!!! Serious.

I remember Illustrator 10's betas were very very very slow...but not in PS.....but I still see some kind of chokes, maybe debugging code....

Memory allocation is exactly the same as the Windows version. You have to set up the memory reservation in the preference menu and relaunch PS. Currently having 1.75GB of RAM in my G4. Maybe I should go to 2GB once PS 7 is out. I can reserve 1GB of RAM to PS all the time at let others fight to share the other gig ;)

The stylus and brush support is somewhat buggy. In Photoshop 6 once you set the opacity and size to stylus every brush will have the same setting. NOT in this version. You have to assign these properties to EACH BRUSH INDIVIDUALLY! Plus when you right click and choice another brush size ALL settings are gone (all settings are reset to default)......well...again...beta....

The beta I am running is b43...still trying to see where those new features are.....

I am pretty sure that we will hear the announcement of ship date in MWSF!
Been using it all night. I agree, for a beta, it's quite fast and stable. But PS betas always have been pretty solid & fast. I like the new File Browser, but to be honest, it looks more like a feature designed with Windows users in mind. Mac users have a pretty good file browser already - the Finder - but having one inside PS that shows thumbnails is a welcome addition.

One gripe - before in v.6 to bring up Layer Styles, all you had to do was double click on the layer. No more. Now you have to right click and select "Blending Options". That's not efficient...

Overall, it's a very simple upgrade, definitely one that deserves a 6.5 than a 7.0. For what I can see, these are the new features:
1) File Browser
2) New star tool in vector shapes
3) New tool selector from Status Bar
4) Spell Check/Find & Replace text
5) New "Heal" tool, which operates much like the Clone tool.
6) A new "Texture Maker" function that allows you to generate tiled textures quite easily.

But of course, it's going to be a huge hit on the Mac, for the simple reason of it freeing most of us from needing Classic.

I'll have a more indepth look at both PS/IR later today over at

Quark wanting to buy Adobe was one of those unfounded rumors. Quark may have wanted to, but Adobe said they never even asked, and if they did offer to buy, Adobe would say, "no". Even if this was all just a MOSR, it'd be terrible if Quark had bought Adobe. Quark's development seems to move at slower-than-a-snail's pace.