Now this is classic


Mac Enthusiast
Check out the attached picture (for those of you who don't know how Windows systems work, a:\ refers to the floppy disk drive).


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Hehe ... I want to know what hte tech support answered him :D

Maybe as fun as "I can't find the ANY key on my keyboard!!!"
it could be that they were installing from the boot diskettes, and it shows the name for the "Windows Professional CD-ROM" setup. Who knows...

Very funny though :D
hehe 'classic'...if i may:

Macintosh 1984 & birthday-cake


  • Macintosh 1984.jpg
    Macintosh 1984.jpg
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Arden said:

It make me think. I know there is a lot of people ignorant of everyday computer use. Now Mac users have used the car analogy in describing Apple computers so lets take that analogy farther. If the are a lot of novice/ignorant computer users, then imagine the amount of ignorant/novice car drivers on the road! :(
See, but with a car there's only a few major things you have to know to use one (gas, brake, steering) and some smaller things (wipers, blinkers, defrost, radio, etc.). With computers, even if you aren't a programmer or something, there's at least a hundred different things you can know with just a base configuration. And of course there are power users for both who are equivalent to factory workers, mechanics, etc. who know cars through-and-through.
That's why more than the entire population of all three Guiannas (Guyana, Suriname and Cayenne) die in road accidents every year world-wide.
Arden said:
See, but with a car there's only a few major things you have to know to use one (gas, brake, steering) and some smaller things (wipers, blinkers, defrost, radio, etc.). With computers, even if you aren't a programmer or something, there's at least a hundred different things you can know with just a base configuration. And of course there are power users for both who are equivalent to factory workers, mechanics, etc. who know cars through-and-through.

Ye of young faith, I had to stop a person (a male) at a gas station once from putting in diesel fuel in their car (it was a American Pontiac sedan). Now, go ask some mechanics about some of their stupid people stories. You will look at the road in a totally different way. Also, don't get me started about red light/stop sign runners, tailgating drivers, 80 miles an hour in a snow storm and the traffic list could go on for pages. Drive in the Washington DC area and you'll see what I'm talking about.