NSMatrix properties


in my project i am using 4 radio buttons in a column, when i click on them in IB, the classes panel shows that they are an NSMatrix object. so i looked up NSMatrix in PB help and it showed me all the methods available. in my program i will need to determine which radio button of the 4 is the selected one. i want to know the answer to my question, but i also want to know where to find it in the help/documentation so i know how to find the answer to similar future questions. thanks in advance.
NSMatrix's are just "arrays" of cells. I'm supposing your NSMatrix in IB has 4 rows and 1 column. So what your're going to need is the rowIndex and the column index of the selected cell. Is that all you needed?

i think i was just looking for selectedCell. i missed it when looking through the NSMatrix documentation.