nVidia GeForce2 MX 32MB in the new iMacs


official breaker of macs.
okay, here's my position:

i was all set to buy a new G4.867 when the prices drop (release of newer G4(5?)s) and put a nice video card in it. i'm not huge on games, but i love a good framerate. i want to be able to hang with the quake crowd, play descent, oni, etc. at a decent framerate. right now my iMac DV is pathetic at this.
however, now the new iMac is out. what to do, what to do? would the new iMac quench my appetite, or should i still hold out for the new powermacs? aren't the GeForce2MX 32s kinda old?

Oo boi o.
Descent, Oni, Quake III, and UT all run fine on my comp, and I'm on a old 400 MHz iMac w/ a Rage 128 card. It would make sense that a computer with a processor over 2x the speed and a card 3x the speed (the iLamp) would do wonderfully!
I wonder if the 2x AGP (as opposed to 4x on PowerMac) will hurt performance much, in comparison to the low end PowerMac...
i must be picky, but descent3, oni, quake3, etc. run like snails on my iMac DV 600. baldur's gate II is unplayable. i saw Q3 playing on a G4 (video card/processor unknown, but it was a quicksilver) and it was great! huge framerate! i'm hoping to get something like that on the new iMac.