Obtain OSX login Pword...


I was wondering if anybody knew how i could obtain the login password of another user, either a user from the same computer or someone on a LAN who is also running OS X?

Would i have to do it through the terminal?

when i get the file which contains the password how do i obtain the password???

Would anyone know?

To make my life easier would anyone know where i could get hold of a keystroke recorder for OS X?


- CiPhEr
maybe this is not an approriate discussion for this kind of public forum

it would be a nice science project for you to discover these answers for yourself.

what you suggest is not impossible to implement especially if you have root access to the machine.

it could be done with mere physical access to the machine.

with friends like you ...who needs Bill Gates..

get real.
If they havn't done any modification to the system, type "nidump passwd ." (including that period) in the terminal. That'll give you the encrypted password for each user. Now, you must either crack, or brute force. Both can take hours, sometimes days, depending on what the password is. There is no way to get a plain-text password from OS X because *NIXes use one-way encryption. That means, when you first gives the computer your password, it encrypts it. Each time you log in to the system, it encrypts it again and compares it to the encrypted password already stored in the passwd file. If they match, you're in, if not, try again.
Originally posted by scope
If they havn't done any modification to the system, type "nidump passwd ." (including that period) in the terminal. That'll give you the encrypted password for each user.

This is why I recommend changing mode
on the nidump executable so that it
can only be run by root.
Thnx Scope, i'll give it a go it may work :)

Obtaining the plain text password may be difficult hummm??

Can i log into someone elses login name using the encrypted pword? or must it always be palin text?
Finding the plain-text password is near impossible. You mey get it with a sniffer if they log in remotely, or as I said, a cracker/brute force program. You can't use the encrypted password to log in, because the OS encrypts whatever you put it. That means it will encrypt the encrypted password you put in, resulting in denial of access.