odd internal display behaviour upon waking from sleep


Hello all,

I'm dealing with a PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.4.3, and it's connected at times to an external monitor. When waking from sleep, sometimes the external monitor comes back on but the internal monitor doesn't, even after a reboot! Only disconnecting the external monitor and rebooting gets the internal display to switch back on. From what I've seen on the 'net, more people have had trouble with the external monitor not coming back on, not the internal one.

I can imagine the solution to be one of three possibilities: 1) resetting the NVRAM (in Open Firmware; we've already tried just zapping the PRAM), 2) replacing the VRAM, 3) Apple releases a software fix. Option #3 is out of my control, Option #2 is an extreme solution, and I'm reluctant to do Option #1 because I would have to send instructions to the user telling them how to get into Open Firmware and do the reset, which they could mess up and render their machine unbootable. So I was first wondering if people had seen this behaviour, and if so, whether a reset had fixed it.