tried that, followed by a ipfw restart, still doesn't work - at the moment i'm having to unplug from the network before opening any officeX-related apps, giving it a wait, and then replugging (and hoping i've given it a long enough wait or it shuts down on me)...
anyone have any ideas as to why this works for some and not others?
looks like the only other option when this doesn't work is to reinstall the software and use a different serial number...
i have to admit i'm not entirely sure about what i'm doing (limited linux/unix knowledge) although i'm fully capable of following instructions - learning to pick my way around OSX, however, has made me feel like i did when i first started learning how to use a PC - i.e. "where the heck IS everything?"
i used to have a pc and a mac, and when i stopped working the web for a living i donated my pc to the building network, and solely used my old g3 wallstreet laptop.
i just got a new iBook (the ittybitty one) and sold my old wallstreet... on one hand, i'm glad to have internal USB ports, firewire, and all that - feel like i've just been brought into the 21st century - on the other hand, i'm going crazy with OSX... it works mighty nice when you're running only that, but i'm usually running classic as well, since all the software i used hasn't been developed for OSX yet... what a pain in my butt - as is the fact that the keyboard commands have changed. I have my biggest issues with this using Entourage - apple-m hides the window now... how many times in the past three days have i hidden the window instead of sending/receiving mail? LOTS.
on the bright side - iPhoto took care of a problem i had with Sony, which was nice - i own a cybershot digicam, and lost the software, and sony actually wanted me to purchase it from them, even though i'd dropped a serious wad on this camera and registered it... jerks... (previously i'd used a pc card to read memory sticks, now i can plug right in - again, 21st century, thank god)...