Oh no! Where's my iDVD in Panther?!

So I need to buy iLife, in order to get a product that my iMac CAME with? (it came with iDVD 2, but in order to install it, it appears I have to install the OS...I can't install just iDVD)
Dlatu1983 said:
So I need to buy iLife, in order to get a product that my iMac CAME with? (it came with iDVD 2, but in order to install it, it appears I have to install the OS...I can't install just iDVD)

Couldn't you just extract the installer for iDVD from your previous restore CDs with Pacifist?

If there's no other way, wipe your drive, restore your OLD software from the original CDs, then immediately update to Panther (no need for archive and install, just a simple upgrade on top of a freshly restored system)
I hope you don't have to do all that just to install iDVD
DeltaMac said:
Couldn't you just extract the installer for iDVD from your previous restore CDs with Pacifist?

Yes, you can extract the installer with Pacifist (worked fine for lots of other people on other boards).
Or you can just drap the iDVD app itself to there. I had mne backupped to my iPod, and it worked to just drag it from there to Apps folder. Of course to not use PAcifist, you could just get mine via iChat, but it's 1,6 GB of size and I don't have a T1 connection... Pacifist does it.
Insert the 10.2 disc with iLife (or iDVD)
Go to the terminal and type:
cd /
cd Volumes/PowerBook\ G4\ Software/.images/
and simply copy iDVD.dmg to any folder...

Pretty easy, huh? ;) But it has something more than a GB...
You don't even have to go that far. Insert the Restore DVD that came with your iMac. Run the Restore app. Now, at some port before actually installing it should give you an option to install Applications, Developer Tools, iDVD, Mac OS 9, or All. Uncheck all but iDVD...Worked for me.