Ok PHP Problem Now


Ok...so i went to serverlogic and got
complete apache
complete mysql
complete php

I installed them in that order as well.
My SQL running! Yay!
Apache Running
But when I try to run a php test page it no work.

I noticed there is a php4 folder in the library folder.
Should that go into the apache folder?

Im all confused!

Thanks in advance for any help!

To the best of my knowledge , yes.

It said if I had complete apache installed, should go right in.

If I had old apache, I would need to add some lines to httpd.conf

Also said to turn web sharing off which I never use anyway.

Any ideas?
it may seem like something silly, but you realise you have to access the page(s) using http://youriporhostname and not file:///path/to/files right??
Um. Look in the /Library/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf file and see if the PHP4 library is being used (just search for 'php')... Um. otherwise im not sure..
Did a search for PHP in the httpd.conf file.

Got "could not be found"

So it seems there are no php commands in httpd.conf.

Now what I do?
no guanantees that any of the below will work for your.

Here is what I have in my httpd.conf (apache 2.x)

look for DirectoryIndex
add index.php to the end of the line.

mine looks like this:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

in the addhandler section, you will need to add the following:

LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

this is assuming that you have libphp4.so in your apache/modules folders

if libphp4.so is not in apache/modules, you can cp it into that folder from your php folder (remeber, copy (cp) don't move (mv)).
This is what I did.

I went into the library dir and deleted the php4 dir.
Then I went into the library/recipts dir and deleted php4.pkg

I then re-installed the complete php4 pkg from serverlogistics.

rebooted and wamo! It worked!

I suggest anyone who will messing around with php and my sql install in this order.....


All available at www.serverlogistics.com

Thanks Pengu and everyone for all your help!
Now I can program on my local machine!

Did I mention Macs Rule?

By the way if any of you get a chance to play Silent Hill 3 on PS2, its one of
the best RPG's I have ever played!

Rock on!