Old Display on New(er) Computer


I recently accuired a PowerPC 6100/60 AV and have decided to attach the Display that came with the 6100 to my G4 tower as a second monitor.

::evil::Problem: I am thinking that the display is malfunctioning or incompatible with my Radeon 8500 (the screen won't stop flickering).

From the user manual (http://manuals.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Manuals/monitors/0302633PerformaPlus.PDF) I thought that 640x480 at 67Hz would have worked. I do not want to haul the display back to my parents house to test it on the 6100 if possible, but I do want to know what the problem is. Any suggestoins, ideas or know what my problem is?

I should add that I have tested both the ADC and VGA sockets with a functioning Display (they both work no matter display settings I use). And I have tried using the adapters that came with the Radeon 8500 to attach the "new" display to both sockets with numerous settings.
A single resolution Mac-compatible (640 x480) probably can't be made to work with the newer systems (I think the newer video cards just are no longer able to switch into the older vid modes that these older monitors require).