Old iMacs too pricey


Unix Newb.
What the heII is up with Apple? Why are they still selling the old iMacs for $799+ shouldn't they now take these computers and make them a very low end computer for home users who just want to surf the net and get e-mail? I think that these machines (I own one) are great this ones got me through everything runs osX fine. I don't have any complaints.

Shouldn't Apple be luring in new customers with their low end computers or is that just something I made up? I think the original iMacs should start at $500 and top off at $700. Come on Apple people would buy lots of these comps!
I agree... and, if you want to find good deals on old iMacs, you have to usually look through the smaller dealers... I've seen decent prices (less than $600)... but Apple, themselves, doesn't really seem to be into selling things at low prices, even if they're older machines.... oh well. Guess it's an "image" thing.
Originally posted by Da'iMacDaddy
{...} think the original iMacs should start at $500 and top off at $700. Come on Apple people would buy lots of these comps!

Armchair pricing strategies.

Maybe Apple doesn't want "Apple" people buying their old computers. Maybe they want other people to switch over.

Just because you mark down something in price doesn't mean it will sell any better... that's basic business 101.
Plus, its supply and demand baby...

Over at ebay, Bondi's are still selling for $250-350, not to mention more recent models. Because there aren't readily available cheap used iMac's people would just as soon pay the premium for the new one since it doesn;t have all of those hours logged on it.

Whoever said that Mac's retain their value longer than PC's was truly correct...
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
Plus, its supply and demand baby...

Over at ebay, Bondi's are still selling for $250-350, not to mention more recent models. Because there aren't readily available cheap used iMac's people would just as soon pay the premium for the new one since it doesn;t have all of those hours logged on it.

Whoever said that Mac's retain their value longer than PC's was truly correct...

I'm sorry, but comparible PC systems retain just as much value. One must remember that PC systems are everywhere--of course you're going to find less resale value. However, you've already spent less on the system in the first place. If cash flow is king, why should I give all my cash up front to Apple when the $2-3K I can save on a PC system can be invested in other opportunities?

Get real.