Old school Mac games


goonies never say die
When I was in elementary school, my school had a bunch of Apple II's with 5.25" floppy drives. I used to play games on them all the time. I was wondering if there was someplace online where I could find those old games, specifically "Oregon Trail" and a fish game called "Odell Lake" or maybe "Ordell Lake". It was a game where you were a fish and you had to eat other fish that were smaller.

I have an old Macintosh SE that I found at Goodwill and I was hoping to play these old games on it.
I've been looking all over for them and even on eBay, but still no luck. I guess I'll have to get lucky and find it at Goodwill, like the time when I found the Mac SE.
man, i wish i had heard this months ago, my parents donated their old LC III and the software ( a few games too) to some organization for the handicapped. we cranked it up just before it went back in the box, STILL ran great after being dormant in the box. i miss Oregon Trail too. I used to play it all the time at school, the trick was to finish the game before the bell rang for the next period! hahaha
exodus... is is looking for the old old old version of oregon trail

it came on something that looked like this

I have the original Oregon Trail for Mac, don't have the (IMO, awful) Apple II version. I could probably send it to you, since it's essentially abandonware.

I also have Amazon Trail. I don't have that other one you mentioned, and I don't Oregon Trail II anymore... I lent it to a friend, who lent it to a friend, who lent it to a friend, then it ended up lost. Funny how these things happen.
I have the Oregon Trail version that came on a CD and tried it on my Performa, but it doesn't have the same feel as the original version.
Well, I tried writing the .dsk file to a floppy and it didn't work. But I did find the greatest Apple II emulator at www.emulation.net called OSXII. OSXII was able to read the .dsk files. This program is amazing! After almost 15 years, I can finally play Odell Lake and Number Munchers again. Man, these games bring back so many memories.
I should hit up my elementary school and see if they still have all there old discs.

we used to have a 8x4x4 cabinet filled with discs (or at lease i remember it being that big when i was 10 :-D)
i have odell down under (the fish game) on my G5 iMac. same with oregon trail. If you want, i could post them on the net.
I used to have SO many good games for the IIe - the retro goodness now is awesome.

I remember installing the ][ Emulator for my LC which read from the 5.25" floppies and played them like a little trooper. All still works like a charm too which is impressive.

I used to have a great word processor for the IIe too, but I don't remember its name. VERY awesome.

I was using all this (and networking computers) when I was like six. Show me an average six year old networking *PCs* in the age pre-Windows 95. :P.
hey gollum

what's odell lake called in that mess of a folder? thanks - i love that game, and have been trying for hours to find it...

Hey, does anyone here know where i could find the orriginal warcraft I or warcraft II? I have looked at macintosh garden and they dont have it :(. I dont know where to look, i have some really old macs that are good for really old games lol. So i was just wondering if anyone knew where i could find any of the warcrafts?

DevilRocks said:
Hey, does anyone here know where i could find the orriginal warcraft I or warcraft II? I have looked at macintosh garden and they dont have it :(. I dont know where to look, i have some really old macs that are good for really old games lol. So i was just wondering if anyone knew where i could find any of the warcrafts?


I don't know about Warcraft I, but wasn't Warcraft II re-released as Battle.net edition not sooo long ago....? It was WarII with the Expansion plus the ability to play over the net

EDIT: Like this

WarII Battle.net Product page

EDIT the 2nd: plus, eBay is your friend :)