OmniWeb 4.1sp6 is out. I honestly don't know what's different other than a temporary icon change. If you want to get it, just do a search for the words "sneaky peek" here.
Looks like there was a bug in some mozilla JavaScript code Omni incorporated in sp6 which caused frequent crashes. It was fixed in sneakypeek seven, which is now available. Unfortunately the cool pumpkin icon is gone but it seems to work well.
Can't seem to find any of the sp versions of Omniweb at sneakypeek. Could one of you give a link to the right folder at the Omni site ? or a username/passw
I've been using sp7 all day, and it's quite impressive. Fast and (fairly) stable. I have had one crash (so far). If it can keep relatively free of crashes, it will replace Mozilla as my # 1.