OmniWeb 4: Forever Shifting


Super Cute Member
Does this happen to anyone else? When you tell OmniWeb to open a new browser window it shifts to the right, normal as expected...until you close it and tell OmniWeb to open another one. As you keep doing this the new browser window in moving farther and farther to the right. Shouldn't it reset itself to go back to the begining position on a second browser window when a second browser window is open, and third, and forth, etc?

-Dant :)
Originally posted by dantjie
Does this happen to anyone else? When you tell OmniWeb to open a new browser window it shifts to the right, normal as expected...until you close it and tell OmniWeb to open another one. As you keep doing this the new browser window in moving farther and farther to the right. Shouldn't it reset itself to go back to the begining position on a second browser window when a second browser window is open, and third, and forth, etc?

-Dant :)

nope, doesn't happen with my omniweb (version 4.0), in fact it opens all windows after the second in the same place ...
maybe a glitch with your version?
Here's what I've seen: with 4.0rc3, it would shift to the right and down for each subsequent window, then restart at the top-left once it met the dock. But since 4.0cf1 and now 4.0, it goes right and down until the bottom of the window meets the dock, then it just goes right. Once it hits the right side of the screen, it just stays there.