One BEEYOOTIFUL Mozilla theme!


Membrum virile
I checked out the Mozilla themes at today, and fell in love with a new one (new to me, anyway) called Sky Pilot. Stunning!
If you want to see it in action, look here.
Yeah, I have to say that's really ugly.

I prefer clean, compact, and to the point.

I use Lo-Fi. It should be on the mozilla theme page somewhere.
IMO, Mozilla is ugly enough as it is....but that theme crosses the line of good taste.

but, different strokes for different folks...
There's only one theme for Mac OS X other than Aqua: SmoothStripes. And of course there's only one Mozilla theme to go with it: Grey Modern...

I hate grey. Give me white on my browser! Like dircci said, to the point works for me. I like the default chimera theme to some extent. And OmniWeb's is cool too.
Well Geng if it means anything to ya, I like Sky Pilot as well and currently use it w/ Moz :). It's a little easier on my eyes colorwise.
It reminds me very much of some of the older Unix themes, such as those in Next-step and Gnome. It's nice work, but not for my tastes.
SmoothStripes is, for a graphics designer as myself, very inobstrusive, which is exactly what I need from an operating environment. Platinum had that in OS 9, and Aqua took some of it away. Most other themes that are around for Mac OS X don't help much, or they have things that don't work right. SmoothStripes works and fades to the background.
Hey, yeah. That SmoothStripes looks pretty good, but I'm afraid to apply any themes to OS X for fear of something breaking. Are my fears groundless?

It's with reason your fear is there, I once ruined my OS X by installing Morpheus X, haven't had any problems with Dualtry thou...I'd say that's a safe app.
Duality3 seems safe enough. Themer X is also safe. They both save a copy of Aqua before applying a new theme.

I've made the switch to SmoothStripes and back two times. I sure hope Apple will develop a similarly unobstrusive professional theme for Jaguar or a later release.