One intermittent key


I'm at my wits end! My "9(" key works part time. (mostly NOT) There is absolutely no "rhyme or reason" to when it decides to work or not work!

I have worked it, massaged it, banged on it, and even removed the key cap and blown it out with compressed air. No difference!

Before I order a new keyboard ($84.95) and remove several dozen screws, I'm hoping someone has a "last ditch" technique to try.

BTW: 17" MBPro/early 2008/2.6Mhz/OS10.5.6
If you boot from an alternate bootable volume, or log in under a different user account, does it still exhibit the same problem?
Not having another user account and only having Leopard (Retail) install & DiskWarrior as alternate boot DVD's, I went with Leopard. Ironically, (using password change in Utilities) it worked flawlessly.

After restarting back to my HD & booting TextEdit, it started acting up again. Out of roughly 100 clicks, 80 would work--20 wouldn't. (My finger is soooo tired!)

What was your premise about having another user acct or volume?
Not having another user account...
Creating a new user account takes little to no time, and can be fully deleted from the system after testing.

What was your premise about having another user acct or volume?
My premise was that if this only happens in one user account but not others, then the problem is likely software-related... a keystroke manager application, some process that "listens" for hotkey presses like Quicksilver or Launchbar, or perhaps a corrupt preference file (having to do with language selection, etc.).

If this same thing happens across all user accounts, the problem may be either something software-related at the system level rather than the user level, or hardware-related.

If this same thing happens across all user accounts and happens while booted from an alternate media (Mac OS X Install CD/DVD, an external drive with OS X installed on it, etc.), then the problem is most likely hardware.

Of course, try all the little "snake oil" fixes first -- repair permissions, zap PRAM, repair disk, etc.
Creating a new user account takes little to no time, and can be fully deleted from the system after testing.

My premise was that if this only happens in one user account but not others, then the problem is likely software-related... a keystroke manager application, some process that "listens" for hotkey presses like Quicksilver or Launchbar, or perhaps a corrupt preference file (having to do with language selection, etc.).

If this same thing happens across all user accounts, the problem may be either something software-related at the system level rather than the user level, or hardware-related.

If this same thing happens across all user accounts and happens while booted from an alternate media (Mac OS X Install CD/DVD, an external drive with OS X installed on it, etc.), then the problem is most likely hardware.

Of course, try all the little "snake oil" fixes first -- repair permissions, zap PRAM, repair disk, etc.

would this test work with my erratic touch pad?
This test is a generic "ballpark" test to see if any given problem is relegated to a software problem (and further as a single user account problem, system-wide problem, etc.) or a hardware problem.

It should work (or at least narrow down the possible culprit(s)) with your trackpad as well.
Sorry to say I'll need to replace my keyboard. All remedies mentioned above failed to change anything.

It's still intermittant, and I can't reproduce it at any given time.

Not all that expensive, but a royal PIA!
'm havng the same issue wth my i key (as you can see!) ... it sometimes requires a harder click or a second click to "take" .... intermttent and really annoying. Have you looked into replacing the key vs the keyboard? I have applecare on my macbook pro and will take it in, but if I can tweak this in the mean time, I'd sure like to try. First the p key was ffy, then I snapped t back nto place, now the i key has gone.... sometmes. Crazy business! Might be tme for a new keyboard (or logic board? say it isn't so).... Can a key become desenstized or is is just a sign of immanent failure. I'm beginning to suspect that it's misaligned, and that hitting one side of the key is more successful than hitting the other side, but will experiment further and post f I discover anything.
Neah Im sure its just your keyboard.. Over time dust and crud works its way into the keyboard no mater how careful you are about it.. They don't last forever.. I'm sure if you get yourself a shiny new one you'll be fine..
probably right, I will attach an external keyboard just to check -- this s a 17 inch macbook pro about 2 1/2 yrs old, so I just want to be sure a firmware upgrade wouldn't do the trick before taking it to the apple store for an overhaul. I have n't been as up to date on my software upgrades as I should, i suppose, since things were working nicely and I didn't want to mess with success, but I vaguely remember about a year ago there were some issues with initial keystrokes that may or may not have been fxed with software -- not sure if what 'm describing fits the bill.

Think it's worth popping the key and seeing what kind of crud s under there? Or just bite the bullet and do a full back up, then take it in to see f they'll replace the full keyboard inset? There are other keys that are cosmetically challenged too but they still work. (this macbookpro sure ddn't hold up as nicely as my old aluminum, or the earlier titanium -- this looks kind of grungy, even though it has only been out of the house twice and has been well cared for. Wear and tear on a not-so-hot paint job has left space bar m & n looking really ratty and some of the shiny surface of the body has worn off near the space bar and the page down key. I've never had a mac get so grunged up
sort of fixed it -- there's a youtube video about how to take apart keyboard (and another one to take apart keys) on the macbook pro -- I popped up the key and there was hair wrapped around the white membrane thing under the key cap -- removed that with tweezers and it seems to be a little better now so maybe it just was 2 years of dust and stuff. Worth a try if you are experiencing intermittent outages.... this is not working perfectly, but it's better than it was.
Replaced my keyboard and all is perfect now! :) Install was a bit tricky, but went well with no surprises or problems.

I have the old keyboard and can find nothing that would prevent the 9/( key from functioning, but it didn't 95% of the time.

Anyhoo: If anyone wants/needs the entire keyboard or any individual key caps: Just let me know by PM or eMail (sugilbert 'at' aol 'dot' com) and I'll mail it free---I only ask postage. I assume that individual caps can go in an envelope at normal postage.