One tiny thing I like about windows...


When using the OS of satan (see below) and saving a file in a standard dialog box, you can click on an existing file and your "save as" file name changes to that of the just selected file - then you can save it with that name. I am a file back up fanatic and often have multiple version of a file - file.txt and copy_of_file.txt and it would be nice to have this feature in my Mac.

It is a very small thing and I would never trade my Mac for a PC, but it does kind of bug me that I can't do this.

Proof that Bill is satan (this is an old one):

Take Bill Gates III and look up the asci codes for the letters of his name (all CAPS) and then add the 3 for "the third) and you get 666

B 66
I 73
L 76
L 76
G 71
A 65
T 84
E 69
S 83

I swear to God the first time I did this was in 1996 or so while I was at work - and this is what happened. After saving my excel file as 666.xls I then went to the cafeteria and bought some pizza and cake for lunch. The cashier range me up and the total was - you guessed it $6.66. I felt like a hunted man and always carried my Newton with a cross drawn on the screen for protection. :)

My coworkers and I continued to by this same combination for a while and referred to it as "the satan platter." They raised their prices and the satan platter was gone.