Open Office


Anyone have any ideas when the non X11 version (aqua) will be avaliable for Open Office? I would love to use it! Thanks
It's already out. Kind of. If you have panther, you can download the installers and such. Or if you are using jaguar, you can compile it. It will probably be a while though, everything is still getting bugs and such worked out golaor, and forcing people to compile it is a great way to get bug reports. (or so they tell me)
trillian, can you point us to this info? in my searches i have found nothing that allows one to use openoffice without x11.
sure. :D

Given that I'm not apart of this, and only rely on the mailing list for info about it, i *think* only bits and peices of koffice work right now. not sure though. I have to compile everything by hand (dang jaguar) and thus, I have to fix everything I bork when I compile. :)
There's NeoOffice ( which is basically OpenOffice but doesn't use X11. Instead it makes use of Java to render stuff, which means that those ugly X11 fonts are GONE!!! Fonts look great now.

Speedwise, its about the same as OpenOffice with X11, so its nothing much to shout about. It still sticks out like a sore thumb as it doesn't make use of Aqua. However, ther eare bits an pieces (like the print dialog) that are native, so its a start. Check it out.
Ok well now that its cleared up what were talking about, any one have an answer to my original question? Thanks